Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

Razelm-Sinoë, Razelmul Mare (Dolosman), Golovitza, Portitza, Sinoë Lake (Grindul Lupilor), Danube Delta, Romania
The lagoon complex Razelm-Sinoë near the fisheries station, the Sinoë Lake (Grindul Lupilor). Coordinates are for Sinoë Lake.
latitude: 44.633301     44°37'59.88"N
longitude: 28.883301     28°52'59.88"E

[Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)]
[Site Named Here by name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication]

Collected here:

Stenostomum leucops (Duges, 1828)prior to 1974Numerous specimens. among plants in a swamp near the fisheries station.
Stenostomum unicolor Schmidt, 1848prior to 1974
Catenula lemnae Duges, 1832prior to 1974Numerous specimens.
Macrostomum hystricinum Beklemischev, 1951prior to 1974Golovitza, the endo of Sinoë Lake. predeltaic sector: Ciotic-Zaton, the south of Sahalin Island. Numerous specimens.
Gieysztoria cuspidata (Schmidt, 1861)1974 or earlieramong plants, very numerous.
Gieysztoria triquetra (Fuhrmann, 1894)1970 or earlierVery numerous, in Golovitza, Dolosman, Portitza.
Mesostoma lingua (Abildgaard, 1789)1974 or earliervery numerous.
Gyratrix hermaphroditus Ehrenberg, 18311974 or earlier
Pontaralia beklemichevi Mack-Fira, 1968Jul 31, 1969in great numbers, among algae.
Pontaralia beklemichevi Mack-Fira, 1968Sep 20, 1969in great numbers, among algae.
Pontaralia relicta (Beklemischev, 1927)Jul 31, 1969One specimen, among algae.

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