Convoluta pelagica Lohner & Micoletzky, 1911 | 1911 or earlier | planktonic, pelagic | open sea plankton in Istrian waters | |
Monochoerus illardatus Lohner & Micoletzky, 1911 | 1911 or earlier | planktonic, pelagic | | open sea plankton in Istrian waters. found by Triest after south storms, but found regularly at Rovigno. |
Adenopea illardata (Lohner & Micoletzky, 1911) | 1911 or earlier | planktonic, pelagic | | open sea plankton in Istrian waters. found by Triest after south storms, but found regularly at Rovigno. |
Macrorhynchus mamertinus (Graff, 1874) | prior to 1882 | | | very often between Ulven (Ulva), |
Macrorhynchus naegelii (Kölliker, 1845) | prior to 1882 | | | |
Graffilla muricicola Ihering, 1880 | prior to 1882 | | | |
Anoplodium schneideri Semper, 1868 | prior to 1882 | | | |
Solenopharynx flavidus Graff, 1882 | prior to 1882 | | | 1 specimen at the "Leuchtthurme" |
Plagiostomum sulphureum Graff, 1882 | prior to 1882 | | | Several specimens in Ulven (Ulva) in the proximity of "Leuchtthurmes". |
Plagiostomum maculatum Graff, 1882 | prior to 1882 | | | in Ulven (Ulva) . |
Plagiostomum reticulatum (Schmidt, 1852) | prior to 1882 | | | in Ulven (Ulva) |
Plagiostomum siphonophorum (Schmidt, 1852) | prior to 1882 | | | very frequently found. |
Vorticeros auriculatum (Müller, 1784) | prior to 1882 | | | |
Cylindrostoma klostermanni (1) Graff, 1874 | Aug 1876 | | | only one specimen. |
Monotus lineatus Müller, 1773 | prior to 1882 | | | |
Monotus bipunctatus (Leydig, 1854) | prior to 1882 | | | |
Proporus venenosus (Schmidt, 1852) | 1878 or earlier | | | |
Aphanostoma diversicolor Ørsted, 1845 | 1882 or earlier | | | rarely |
Enantia spinifera Graff, 1889 | Aug 10, 1876 | 3 m | stones | unmittelbar vor der zoologischen Station in Triest heraufgeholt hatte, acht Exemplare einer dendrocöelen Planarie, ..... |
Schultzia adriatica (Dörler, 1900) | prior to 1900 | | | from Boehmig, who 'fished' it in the harbor at Trieste |
Microstomum ornatum Uljanin, 1870 | 1913 or earlier | | | |
Syndesmis echinorum Francois, 1886 | 1913 or earlier | | | in sea urchins [Strongylocentrotus droebachensis (Müll.), S. lividus Brdt., Sphaerechinus granularis A.Ag., Echinus sphaera Müll., E. acutus Lam.] |
Anoplodium gracile Wahl, 1906 | 1906 or earlier | | | parasite in Holothuria forskalii Chiaje |
Urastoma cyprinae (Graff, 1882) | 1913 or earlier | | | in Solen vagina L. |
Polycystis naegelii Kölliker, 1845 | 1913 or earlier | | | living among plants in the litoral zone. |
Polycystis mamertina (Graff, 1874) | 1913 or earlier | | | |
Plagiostomum girardi (Schmidt, 1857) | 1913 or earlier | | | slow acting and swimming, in waste water and aquariums. |
Plagiostomum rufodorsatum (Uljanin, 1870) | 1913 or earlier | | | |
Plagiostomum chromogastrum Graff, 1890 | 1890 or earlier | | | |
Plicastoma bimaculatum (Graff,1882) | 1913 or earlier | | | October and November among Zostera. |
Pseudostomum quadrioculatum (Leuckart, 1847) | 1913 or earlier | | | |
Pseudostomum klostermanni (Graff, 1874) | 1913 or earlier | | | |
Allostoma austriacum (Graff, 1882) | 1913 or earlier | | | |
Monocelis lineata (Müller, 1773) | 1913 or earlier | | | |
Convoluta schultzii Schmidt, 1852 | 1933 or earlier | | | outside of the port. |
Gyrator reticulatus Sekera, 1901 | 1901 or earlier | | | |
Stylochoplana tarda (Graff, 1878) | 1878 or earlier | | | Triest, Adriatic Sea. |
Allostoma monotrochum Graff, 1882 | 1908 | | | Im Februar dieses Jahres erhielt ich durch die Liebenswürdigkeit Herrn Prof. Dr. L. Böhmigs zwei Exemplare oben genannter Form, die im Hafen on Triest erbeutet worden waren. |
Otocelis rubropunctata (Schmidt, 1852) | 1905 or earlier | | | Adria (Triest, Lesina, Lissa, Meleda). |