Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

Godthaab (Godthab,Godthäb, Nuuk), Greenland

latitude: 64.173615     64 10 25 N
longitude: -51.754166     51 45 15 W

[Precision of location: gauged from chart or map]
[Site Named Here by name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication]

Collected here:

Aphanostoma bimaculata Steinböck & Lanser, 19321932 or earliertidal zone
Amphiscolops virescens (Örsted AS, 1845)1879 or earlier
Proaphanostoma variabile Steinböck & Lanser, 19321932intertidalGezeitenzone.
Tetraposthia colymbetes Steinböck, 19311931 or earliertidal zoneGezeitenzone.
Paramacrostomum tricladoides Riedel, 19321926coarse sandGrobsand aus der Gezeitenzone nächst dem Tranhaus bei Godthaab. Reisinger & Steinböck expedition to Grönland 1926.
Oekiocolax plagiostomorum Reisinger, 19291929 or earlier80-120 m"Serpulidenknäuel" at 80-120 m. Kangeq near Godthaab. Parasite in Plagiostomum parasitorum
Oekiocolax plagiostomorum Reisinger, 1929May 15, 192680-120 mHe and Steinböck collected specimens from a clump of Hydroids and Serpuliden brought up from 80 to 120 m in Godthaabfjordes near Kangeq. Several specimens found in Plagiostomum caecum Böhmig.
Haplovortex brevitubus (Luther, 1918)1918 or earlier
Dalyellia ornata Hofsten N, 19071932 or earlierin lake near Godthaab.
Castrella (Castrella) truncata (Abildgaard, 1789)1932 or earlierlakes and pools.
Byrsophlebs graffi Jensen, 18781932 or earliertidal zone - 110 m
Astrotorhynchus bifidus bifidus (McIntosh, 1874)1932 or earliertidal - 10 m
Proxenetes gracilis Graff, 18821932 or earliertidal - 100 m
Proxenetes flabellifer Jensen, 18781932 or earliertidal - 180 m
Proxenetes cochlear Graff, 18821932 or earliertidal zone
Promesostoma marmoratum marmoratum (Schultze, 1851)1879 or earlier
Promesostoma marmoratum nudum Graff, 19051932 or earliertidal zone to 300 m
Promesostoma ovoideum ovoideum Graff, 19051932 or earliertidal zone to 15 m
Promesostoma ovoideum purum Graff, 19051932 or earliertidal to 120 m
Promesostoma lenticulatum (Schmidt, 1852)1932 or earliertidal to several meters
Promesostoma murmanica Graff, 19051932 or earliertidal to several meters
Acrochordonoposthia conica Reisinger, 19241932 or earlierin damp moss.
Rhynchomesostoma rostratum (Müller, 1774)1932 or earlierpools and lakes.
Typhloplanella halleziana (Vejdovsky, 1880)1932 or earlierspring, in moss.
Castrada (Castrada) groenlandica Steinböck & Lanser, 19321932 or earliersmall lake.
Polycystis crocea (Fabricius, 1826)1932 or earlier
Polycystis groenlandica Levinsen, 18791932 or earlierintertidal
Polycystis assimilis (Levinsen, 1879)1932 or earlier
Plagiostomum girardi (Schmidt, 1857)1932 or earlierintertidal
Plagiostomum anocelis Brandtner, 19341932 or earlierunknown depth. In a "Serpulidenknäuel".
Plagiostomum makroposthia Brandtner, 19341932 or earlier100 m
Plagiostomum petrophilum Brandtner, 19341932 or earlierintertidal
Monocelis fusca Örsted, 18431932 or earlier
Monocelis lineata (Müller, 1773)1932 or earlier
Monocelis honorei Fügenschuh (Steinbock, 1932)1932 or earlier"Serpulidenknäuel" from unknown depth.
Coleophora hirudo (Levinsen, 1879)1932 or earlierlives on Chionoecetes opilio mouth parts.
Coleophora chionoecetis Fügenschuh (Steinbock, 1932)1932 or earlierecto-parasite on the eggs of Chionoecetes opilio L.
Coleophora levinseni Fügenschuh (Steinbock, 1932)1932 or earlierintertidal
Promonotus longirostris Fügenschuh (Steinbock, 1932)1932 or earlierintertidalcoarse sand
Otomesostoma auditivum (Forel & du Plessis, 1874)1932 or earlierlakes.
Diporoplana cnidophora Kohler (Steinbock, 1932)1932 or earlier100 m"Serpulidenknäuel".
Orthoplana borealis (Steinböck, 1931)1932 or earlierintertidal to several meterscoarse, fine sand
Plagiostomum petrophilum Brandtner, 19341926rock3 specimens, south of Godthaab.
Plagiostomum porsildi Brandtner, 193419261 specimen among Lamaria roots.
Plagiostomum girardi groenlandica Levinsen, 187919261 specimen, tide pool near Godthaab.
Plagiostomum groenlandicum (Levinsen, 1879)1926several specimens, among Laminaria roots.

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