Collecting site
east coast Skye Island (Sky), Hebrides, Scotland, United Kingdom
latitude: 57.400002 57°24'0.01"N
longitude: -6.18 6°10'48"W
[Precision of location: gauged from chart or map]
[Site Named Here by name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication]
Collected here:
Convoluta paradoxa Ørsted, 1843 | 1861 or earlier | | | east coast of Skye Island |
Alaurina composita Metschnikoff, 1861 | 1913 or earlier | | | North Atlantic. |
Acrorhynchus caledonicus (Claperede, 1861) | 1913 or earlier | 1-3 m | | in ebb tide pools, and litoral zone in large numbers. |
Enterostomum fingalianum Claparede, 1861 | 1913 or earlier | | | |