Collecting site
Bulgaria coast, Black Sea (Chernoe More, Chernoye More, Euxine Sea, Schwarzes Meer)
arbitrary point to represent the coast of Bulgaria.
latitude: 42.367001 42°22'1.2"N
longitude: 27.74 27°44'24"E
[Precision of location: gauged from chart or map]
[Site Named Here by name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication]
Collected here:
Coelogynopora tenuiformis Karling, 1966 | 1978 or earlier | | | Aus dem Schwarzen Meer wird C. tenuiformis für die bulgarische Küste angegeben. |
Archotoplana holotricha Ax, 1956 | 1978 or earlier | | | ..fand an der bulgarischen Küste Korrelationen zu unterschiedlichem Sediment -- 2-3 mm bei Individuen aus Feinsand, 5-6 mm Länge in Populationen aus grobem Sand. |
Postbursoplana fibulata Ax, 1956 | 1978 or earlier | | | sublitoralen Sanden.. |
Parotoplanella progermaria Ax, 1956 | 1978 or earlier | | | Schwarzes Meer. Bulgarische Küste. Otoplanen-Zone. |
Triporoplana synsiphonioides Ax, 1956 | 1978 or earlier | | | Präferenz in sublitoralem Sand in 1 m Wassertiefe. |