Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

Plateau des Chèvres (Chevres), between Ile Jarre (Ile Jarros, Jaire, Jarron) and the coast of France, France

latitude: 43.200001     43°12'0"N
longitude: 5.365     5°21'54"E

[Precision of location: gauged from chart or map]
[Site Named Here by name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication]

Collected here:

Gallorhynchus mediterraneus Schockaert & Brunet, 1971Feb 3, 19668-10 mAmphioxus sandBetween the island of Jarre and the coast, on the Plateau des Chèvres (station 10, 8-10 m).
Gallorhynchus mediterraneus Schockaert & Brunet, 1971Apr 27, 19668-10 mAmphioxus sandBetween the island of Jarre and the coast, on the Plateau des Chèvres (station 10, 8-10 m).
Acrumena massiliensis Brunet, 19651965 or earlier18-20 mAmphioxus sandMediterranean Sea, Marseille area, Plateau des Chevres, Amphioxus sand.
Austrorhynchus karlingi Brunet, 19651965 or earlier
Austrorhynchus scoparius Brunet, 19651965 or earlier
Rogneda falcata Brunet, 19651965 or earlier
Typhlopolycystis mediterranea Brunet, 19651965 or earlier
Lagenorhynchus peresi Brunet, 19651965 or earlier
Acrumena massiliensis Brunet, 19651965 or earlier
Cystirete graefei Brunet, 19651965 or earlier
Didiadema picardi Brunet, 19651965 or earlier
Nannorhynchides vividus Brunet, 19651965 or earlier
Nannorhynchides harparius Brunet, 19651965 or earlier
Nannorhynchides corneus Brunet, 19651965 or earlier
Polycystis riedli Karling, 19561965 or earlier
Austrorhynchus pectatus Karling, 19521965 or earlier
Gyratricella attemsi (Graff, 1913)1965 or earlier
Gyratrix hermaphroditus Ehrenberg, 18311965 or earlier
Rogneda westbladi Karling, 19531965 or earlier
Utelga heinckei (Attems, 1897)1965 or earlier
Carcharodorhynchus subterraneus Meixner, 19381965 or earlier
Carcharodorhynchus flavidus Brunet, 1967Feb 3, 1966dans du sable a Amphioxus (Biocoenose des Sables et Graviers sous l'influence de Courants de Fonds) situe au Plateau des Chevres (Brunert 1964, p. 131).

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