Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

Valentia Harbor (near Valencia Island, Ireland)

latitude: 51.919998     51 55 12 N
longitude: -10.31     10 18 36 W

[Precision of location: gauged from chart or map]
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Collected here:

Convoluta convoluta (Abildgaard, 1806)prior to 1905littoral
Proxenetes flabellifer Jensen, 18781913 or earlierbeach water.
Promesostoma marmoratum marmoratum (Schultze, 1851)1913 or earliervery active, in marine and brackish water.
Promesostoma marmoratum (Schultze, 1851)1913 or earliervery active, in marine and brackish water.
Trigonostomum armatum (Jensen, 1878)1913 or earlier0-27 mfound in Fucus at depths up to 27 m.
Trigonostomum penicillatum (Schmidt, 1857)1913 or earlier
Polycystis naegelii Kölliker, 18451913 or earlierliving among plants in the litoral zone.
Polycystis crocea (Fabricius, 1826)1913 or earlier
Phonorhynchus helgolandicus (Metschnikow, 1865)1913 or earlier
Plagiostomum girardi (Schmidt, 1857)1913 or earlierslow acting and swimming, in waste water and aquariums.
Plagiostomum vittatum (Frey & Leuckart, 1847)1913 or earlier
Plagiostomum koreni Jensen, 18781913 or earlier
Vorticeros auriculatum (Müller, 1784)1913 or earlier0-35mlittoral up to 35 m deep in Algen and Bryozoen.
Pseudostomum quadrioculatum (Leuckart, 1847)1913 or earlier
Monocelis fusca Örsted, 18431913 or earlier
Monocelis lineata (Müller, 1773)1913 or earlier

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