Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

Godhavn (Iluilek, K'ekertarssuak, Kekertarsuak, Qeqertarsuaq, Port of Lievely, Qeqertarssuaq), Greenland

latitude: 69.25     69°15'0"N
longitude: -53.549999     53°32'60"W

[Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)]
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Collected here:

Aphanostoma virescens (Ørsted, 1845)prior to 1880
Aphanostoma latissimum Levinsen, 18791879
Dalyellia rossi Graff, 19111927fresh and brackish, pool in Goldhavn (sp?)
Nemertoderma bathycola Steinböck, 19301931fresh and brackish, pool in Goldhavn (sp?)
Amphiscolops virescens (Örsted AS, 1845)1879 or earlier
Macrostomum boreale Riedel, 19321926intertidalbasalt beachMarine mit Basaltschutt erfüllte Gneiswannen am Strand von Godhavn auf der Insel Disco. Reisinger & Steinböck expedition to Grönland 1926.
Paramacrostomum tricladoides Riedel, 193219261-2 m in the littoral zonecoarse sandReisinger & Steinböck expedition to Grönland 1926.
Plagiostomum makropharynx Brandtner, 19341926in algae.
Plagiostomum vorax Brandtner, 19341926in algae. found with Plagiostomum makropharynx.

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