Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

Hormajarvi (Hormajärvi), Finland

latitude: 60.283298     60°16'59.87"N
longitude: 24.016701     24°1'0.12"E

[Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)]
[Site Named Here by name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication]

Collected here:

Plagiostomum lemani Forel & Du Plessis, 1874Jul 190110.5 mGyttja, clayin the vicinity of Leesaari.
Otomesostoma auditivum (Forel & du Plessis, 1874)Aug 12, 190110.5 m
Stenostomum leucops leucops (Duges, 1828)1960 or earlierHormajärvi u. Ufertümpel.
Planaria torva (Müller, 1773)1901Binnengewässer Ostfennoskandiens. Hormajärvi bei Humppila, vegetationsreiche Bucht, an Blättern von Nuphar u. Potamogeton, unter Bretten auf feuchtem Moos u.s.w., 1901.
Dendrocoelum lacteum (Müller, 1773)1961 or earlierHormajärvi (A. L.). [Ab. map area, p. 42 of Luther 1961].
Bdellocephala punctata (Pallas, 1774)1961 or earlierHormajärvi bei Humppila, unter Blättern von Nuphar u Potamogeton natans (A.L) [Ab. map area, p. 42 Luther 1961]
Castrada (Castrada) hofmanni Braun, 18851901-1902Haudanvesi und Hormajärvi, desgl.
Castrada (Castrada) armata (Fuhrmann, 1894)Aug 1901, Aug 1902Lojo = Lohja, Lojosee u. Ufertümpel; Hormajärvi
Rhynchomesostoma rostratum (Müller, 1774)Aug 27, 1901Hormajärvi bei Humppila, zwischen Moos (Amblystegium), Ceratophyllum, Utricularia vulgaris, s.s.w.
Mesostoma lingua (Abildgaard, 1789)1963 or earlier
Bothromesostoma essenii Braun, 18851963 or earlierLojo-See = Lohjanjärvi, häufig, überall in der Vegetations-zone u. in Ufertümpel, Hormajärvi.
Gieysztoria infundibuliformis (Fuhrmann, 1894)1955 or earlier
Castrella (Castrella) truncata (Abildgaard, 1789)1955 or earlier

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