Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

Egedesminde (Aasiaat), Disko Bay, Greenland

latitude: 68.708336     68 42 30 N
longitude: -52.833332     52 50 W

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Collected here:

Aphanostoma virescens (Ørsted, 1845)prior to 1879
Aphanostoma latissimum Levinsen, 18791879
Convoluta groenlandica Levinsen, 18791879 or earlierin algae a foot under the surface.
Childia groenlandica (Levinsen, 1879)1879 or earlierfrom Algae about one foot deep
Aphanostoma rhomboides Jensen, 18781879 or earlier
Amphiscolops virescens (Örsted AS, 1845)1879 or earlier
Mecynostomum cordiforme Levinsen, 18791879 or earlier
Mecynostomum lentiferum Levinsen, 18791879 or earlier
Microstomum groenlandicum Levinsen, 18791879 or earlier
Polycystis groenlandica Levinsen, 1879prior to 1879
Provortex punctatus (Levinsen, 1879)1882 or earlierin Disko Bay.
Jensenia angulata (Jensen, 1879)1913 or earlier
Maehrenthalia agilis (Levinsen, 1879)1913 or earlierlively animal in beach water.
Astrotorhynchus bifidus bifidus (McIntosh, 1874)1913 or earlier
Promesostoma marmoratum (Schultze, 1851)1913 or earliervery active, in marine and brackish water.
Promesostoma marmoratum marmoratum (Schultze, 1851)1913 or earliervery active, in marine and brackish water.
Promesostoma ovoideum ovoideum Graff, 19051913 or earlier
Polycystis crocea (Fabricius, 1826)1913 or earlier
Polycystis assimilis (Levinsen, 1879)1882 or earlier
Phonorhynchus helgolandicus (Metschnikow, 1865)1913 or earlier
Plagiostomum caudatum Levinsen, 18791882 or earlier
Monoophorum elongatum Gamble, 18791879 or earlier
Enterostomum flavibacillum Jensen, 18781879 or earlier
Allostoma album (Levinsen, 1879)1879 or earlier
Allostoma oerstedi (Levinsen, 1879)1879 or earlier
Allostoma discors (Levinsen, 1879)1879 or earlier
Acmostomum groenlandicum Levinsen, 18791879 or earlier
Monocelis lineata (Müller, 1773)1913 or earlier
Monocelis hirudo Levinsen, 18791879 or earlier
Graffia capitata Levinsen, 18791879 or earlier
Anoplodium mytili Levinsen, 18791879 or earlierparasite on gills of Mytilus edulis L.
Dalyellia rossi Graff, 19111879 or earlierSteinbock notes that Levinsen's Vortex pictus identification was actually Dalyellia rossi.
Castrella (Castrella) truncata (Abildgaard, 1789)1879 or earlierlakes and pools.
Astrotorhynchus bifidus bifidus (McIntosh, 1874)1932 or earliertidal - 10 m
Promesostoma marmoratum marmoratum (Schultze, 1851)1879 or earlier
Jensenia angulata (Jensen, 1879)1879 or earlier
Maehrenthalia agilis (Levinsen, 1879)1879 or earlier
Mesostomum violaceum Levinsen, 18791879 or earlier
Promesostoma ovoideum ovoideum Graff, 19051879 or earlier
Promesostoma agile (Levinsen, 1879)1879 or earlier
Rhynchomesostoma rostratum (Müller, 1774)1876 or earlierpools and lakes.
Typhloplana viridata (Abildgaard, 1789)1879 or earlier
Bothromesostoma personatum (Schmidt, 1848)1932 or earlierpools.
Polycystis crocea (Fabricius, 1826)1879 or earlier
Polycystis groenlandica Levinsen, 18791879 or earlierintertidal
Polycystis assimilis (Levinsen, 1879)1879 or earlier
Phonorhynchus helgolandicus (Metschnikow, 1865)1879 or earlier
Provortex punctatus (Levinsen, 1879)1879 or earlier
Plagiostomum caudatum Levinsen, 18791932 or earlier
Monocelis lineata (Müller, 1773)1879 or earlier
Coleophora hirudo (Levinsen, 1879)1879 or earlierlives on Chionoecetes opilio mouth parts.
Mesostomum flabelliferum Levinsen, 1879prior to 1879
Ulianinia mollissima Levinsen, 18791963 or earlierKarling notes distribution of the species.
Proporus cyclops Schmidt, 18481905 or earlierDisko-Bai (Godhavn und Egedesminde) an der Küste von West-Grönland).

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