Collecting site
Sevana Lake (Sevana Lich, Gokchai, Gokcha, Sevangha, Goktschasee, Kegharkunik, Goktscha Sees), Armenia
latitude: 40.360298 40°21'37.07"N
longitude: 45.340302 45°20'25.09"E
[Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)]
[Site Named Here by name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication]
Collected here:
Dalyellia kessleri (Plotnikow, 1906) | 1913 or earlier | | | |
Dalyellia caucasica Plotnikow, 1906 | 1913 or earlier | | | |
Mesostoma ehrenbergii (Focke, 1836) | 1906 or earlier | | | |
Mesostoma armeniacium Plotnikow, 1906 | 1906 or earlier | | | |
Vortex erivanicus Plotnikow, 1906 | 1906 or earlier | | | |
Castrada (Castrada) intermedia (Volz, 1898) | 1917 or earlier | | | |
Mesostoma craci Schmidt, 1858 | 1906 or earlier | | | |
Phaenocora typhlops (Vejdovsky, 1880) | 1906 or earlier | | | |
Vortex kessleri Plotnikow, 1906 | 1906 or earlier | | | Kaukasus, Goktscha-See |