Collecting site
Lej Falcum, near Saint Moritz (Sankt Moritz-Dorf, Sankt Murezzan), Switzerland
coordinates are for Saint Moritz.
latitude: 46.5 46°30'0"N
longitude: 9.833333 9°49'60"E
[Precision of location: Alexandria Digital Library (with NGA GNDB data)]
[Site Named Here by name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication]
Collected here:
Castrada (Castrada) hofmanni Braun, 1885 | 1911 or earlier | | | Lej Marsch (1810 m). |
Castrada (Castrada) sphagnetorum Luther, 1904 | 1911 or earlier | | | Lej Falcum (1810 m) in der Nähe von St. Moritz (Ober-Engadin). |
Mesostoma lingua (Abildgaard, 1789) | 1911 or earlier | | | Lej Falcum nahe bei St. Moritz (1810 m). |
Bothromesostoma personatum (Schmidt, 1848) | 1911 or earlier | | | Lej Falcum in der Nähe von St. Moritz (Ober-Engadin, 1810 m ü. M.). |