Dugesia sp. Hyman, 1957 | Dec 31, 1955 | | stones | under stones in two rocky streams that descend the hill, one to each side of the station on Barro Colorado Island. |
Microstomum sp. (Yanoviak, 2001) | 1994-1997 | | | tree holes |
Geoplana quinquestriata Hyman, 1962 | Jan 26, 1959 | | | single specimen collected by Alan Solem on Barro Colorado Island in the Canal Zone. |
Geoplana fuhrmanni Hyman, 1962 | Jan 23, 1959 | | | two specimens were presented by Alan Solem: one collected on Barro Colorado Island. |
Gigantea cameliae (Fuhrmann, 1914) | 1941 or earlier | | | Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone, Panama. Misidentification. |
Geoplana aphalla Hyman, 1941 | 1941 or earlier | | | Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone, Panama. |
Pseudogeoplana panamensis (Hyman, 1941) | 1941 or earlier | | | Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone, Panama. |
Kawakatsua pumila Sluys, 2019 | 2019 or earlier | | | |