Dugesia monomyoda Marcus, 1953 | Jul 14,1949 | | | 8 specimens from Pietermaritzburg, Natal, collected by Drs. D.W. and R.F. Ewer (holotype: in the Collection of the Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo Belge. |
Amblyplana caffra Jameson, 1907 | 1907 or earlier | | | Pietermaritzburg (Natal). |
Amblyplana flavescens Jameson, 1907 | 1907 or earlier | | | Pietermaritzburg (Natal). |
Amblyplana hepaticarum Jameson, 1907 | 1907 or earlier | | | Pietermaritzburg (Natal). |
Amblyplana natalensis Jameson, 1907 | 1899 or earlier | | | Pietermaritzburg (Natal). |
Amblyplana viridis Jameson, 1907 | 1907 or earlier | | | Pietermaritzburg (Natal) |
Bipalium kewense Moseley, 1878 | 1907 or earlier | | | Pietermaritzburg (Natal). |