Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

Pocologan, New Brunswick, Canada

latitude: 45.124001     45°7'26.4"N
longitude: -66.579903     66°34'47.65"W

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Collected here:

Macrostomum hamatum Luther, 1947Aug-Sep 1984sandbrackish water bay. Sand of the upper intertidal.
Macrostomum burti Ax & Armonies, 1987Aug-Sep 1984brackish water bay.
Macrostomum burti Ax & Armonies, 1987Aug-Sep 1984medium-fine sandupper intertidal.
Macrostomum burti Ax & Armonies, 1987Aug-Sep 1984medium-coarse sandwith detritus, middle tidal range.
Macrostomum burti Ax & Armonies, 1987Aug-Sep 1984medium-fine sandand muddy sand next to a fresh water inlet.
Macrostomum hystricinum Beklemischev, 1951Aug-Sep 1984fine-medium sandbrackish water bay. Upper intertidal.
Monocelis sp. Ax & Armonies, 1987Aug-Sep 1984fine to medium sandbrackish water bay. Intertidal medium to fine sand.
Minona baltica Karling & Kinnander, 1953Aug-Sep 1984mudbrackish water bay. Mud next to a freshwater inlet.
Minona baltica Karling & Kinnander, 1953Aug-Sep 1984sandbrackish water bay. Sand in the upper intertidal.
Promesostoma marmoratum (Schultze, 1851)Aug-Sep 1984brackish water bay. Deposited green algal mats.
Promesostoma marmoratum (Schultze, 1851)Aug-Sep 1984sandy mudbrackish water bay. next to a freshwater outlet.
Promesostoma marmoratum (Schultze, 1851)Aug-Sep 1984floating algal mats and green algae deposited on the shore.
Promesostoma meixneri Ax, 1951Aug-Sep 1984medium-coarse sandupper intertidal.
Proxenetes unidentatus den Hartog, 1965Aug-Sep 1984sandbrackish water bay. Sand of the shore zone.
Beklemischeviella angustior Luther, 1943Aug-Sep 1984fine-medium sandbrackish water bay. Green algal mats on sediment.
Beklemischeviella angustior Luther, 1943Aug-Sep 1984medium-coarse sandIntertidal, medium to coarser sand with detritus.
Beklemischeviella angustior Luther, 1943Aug-Sep 1984medium-coarse sandbrackish water bay. shore zone next to a freshwater inlet.
Beklemischeviella angustior Luther, 1943Aug-Sep 1984mudbrackish water bay. next to a freshwater inlet.
Haloplanella curvistyla Luther, 1946Aug-Sep 1984muddy sandbrackish water bay. Algal mats on muddy sand.
Haloplanella curvistyla Luther, 1946Aug-Sep 1984medium sandbrackish water bay. medium sand rich in detritus of the shore zone.
Haloplanella curvistyla Luther, 1946Aug-Sep 1984sandy mud, mudbrackish water bay. sandy mud and mud besides a fresh-water inlet.
Haloplanella curvistyla Luther, 1946Aug-Sep 1984brackish water bay. floating algal mats and green algae settled on the shore.
Haloplanella curvistyla Luther, 1946Aug-Sep 1984sandbrackish water bay. sand of the upper intertidal.
Thalassoplanella collaris Luther, 1946Aug-Sep 1984muddy sandbrackish water bay. Algal mats on muddy sand.
Thalassoplanella collaris Luther, 1946Aug-Sep 1984fine-medium sandbrackish water bay. upper intertidal, fine to medium sand and medium sand rich in detritus.
Thalassoplanella collaris Luther, 1946Aug-Sep 1984medium-coarse sandbrackish water bay. intertidal, medium to coarse sand with detritus.
Thalassoplanella collaris Luther, 1946Aug-Sep 1984sandy mudbrackish water bay. sandy mud next to a freshwater inlet.
Parautelga bilioi Karling, 1964Aug-Sep 1984sandbrackish water bay. Sand of the upper intertidal.
Acrorhynchides robustus (Karling, 1931)Aug-Sep 1984muddy sandbrackish water bay. Algal mats on muddy sand.
Acrorhynchides robustus (Karling, 1931)Aug-Sep 1984fine-medium sandbrackish water bay. upper intertidal, medium to fine sand.
Acrorhynchides robustus (Karling, 1931)Aug-Sep 1984medium-coarse sandbrackish water bay. intertidal, medium to coarse sand with detritus.
Acrorhynchides robustus (Karling, 1931)Aug-Sep 1984mud, sandy mud, fine-medium sandbrackish water bay. mud, sandy mud, and fine to medium sand next to a freshwater inlet.
Acrorhynchides robustus (Karling, 1931)Aug-Sep 1984brackish water bay. floating algal mats and green algae deposited on the shore
Acrorhynchides robustus (Karling, 1931)Aug-Sep 1984sandbrackish water bay. sand of the upper intertidal.
Phonorhynchus helgolandicus (Metschnikow, 1865)Aug-Sep 1984brackish water bay. Green algal mats.
Phonorhynchus helgolandicus (Metschnikow, 1865)Aug-Sep 1984medium-coarse sandbrackish water bay. intertidal medium to coarse sand with detritus.
Placorhynchus octaculeatus Karling, 1931Aug-Sep 1984sandbrackish water bay. Sand of the upper intertidal.
Placorhynchus dimorphis Karling, 1947Aug-Sep 1984sandbrackish water bay. Sand of the upper intertidal.
Placorhynchus dimorphis Karling, 1947Aug-Sep 1984fine-medium sandbrackish water bay. fine to medium sand next to a freshwater inlet.
Placorhynchus dimorphis Karling, 1947Aug-Sep 1984mud, sandy mudbrackish water bay.
Placorhynchus echinulatus Karling, 1947Aug-Sep 1984sandbrackish water bay. Sand of the upper intertidal.
Baicalellia brevituba (Luther, 1918)Aug-Sep, 1984brackish water bay. Lower border of the salt marsh.
Baicalellia brevituba (Luther, 1918)Aug-Sep, 1984fine-medium sandbrackish water bay. fine to medium sand of the upper intertidal with freshwater influx.
Baicalellia canadensis Ax & Armonies, 1987Aug-Sep, 1984fine-medium sandbrackish water bay. Upper intertidal, medium to fine sand.
Baicalellia canadensis Ax & Armonies, 1987Aug-Sep, 1984medium-coarse sandbrackish water bay. Intertidal medium to coarse sand with detritus.
Baicalellia canadensis Ax & Armonies, 1987Aug-Sep, 1984brackish water bay. floating algal mats and green algae deposited on the shore.
Halammovortex nigrifrons (Karling, 1935)Aug-Sep, 1984muddy sandbrackish water bay. Algal mats on muddy sand.
Halammovortex nigrifrons (Karling, 1935)Aug-Sep, 1984medium sandbrackish water bay. medium sand rich in detritus.
Halammovortex nigrifrons (Karling, 1935)Aug-Sep, 1984brackish water bay. floating algal mats and green algae deposited on the shore.
Bresslauilla relicta Reisinger, 1929Aug-Sep, 1984medium-coarse sandbrackish water bay. Intertidal medium to coarse sand with detritus.
Byrsophlebidae spec. 1 Ax & Armonies, 1987Aug-Sep 1984sandPocologan, brackish water bay. Intertidal medium to coarse sand with detritus.
Byrsophlebidae spec. 2 Ax & Armonies, 1987Aug-Sep 1984sand, mudPocologan, brackish water bay. Algal mats on muddy sand.
Placorhynchus separatus Ax, 20081987 or earliersandBrackwasserbucht Pocologan, New Brunswick, Kanada. Sand aus dem oberen Gezeitenbereich. 2 Expl.
Halammovortex pseudonigrifrons Ax, 20081984Brackwasserbucht Pocologon (Quoddy Region) an der Küste von New Brunswick, Kanada.
Chlamydorhynchus evekumiensis Evdonin, 19771987 or earliersandBrackwasserbucht Pocologan. Sand.

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