Author Title Journal |
Voute AD (1929) De Nederlandsche beektricladen en de oorzaken van haar verspreiding. [The brook triclads of the Netherlands and the causes of their distribution] Dissertation, Universitat Leiden. 116 p. |
Abstract / Notes
Throughout central Europe, Planaria alpina is a regular inhabitant of the upper reaches of streams, Polycelis cornuta of the middle, and Pl. gonocephala of the lower parts. Pl. alpina is the dominant form in the streams of the high Alps and the Scandinavian mountains. In Gelderland, Holland, the author found Pl. alpina in only three springs, while Pol. cornuta is a regular inhabitant of springs and the upper waters of brooks of this region. PL gonocephala was not found in Gelderland. One of the Gelderland brooks (the Dunobrook) starting in a spring and having three artificial pools in its course was particularly studied. Many PL alpina and few few Pol. cornuta occur in the spring; the former extends into the first pool and slightly into the second. Pol. cornuta, abundant in the 1st pool, may extend as far down as pool three. In the lower pools other triclads met are: Pol. nigra, Dendrocoelum lacteum, and Bdellocephala punctata; while in and near the Rhine, Pl. lugubris is encountered.
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