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Hyra GS (1993) Genostoma kozloffi sp. nov. and G. inopinatum sp. nov. (Turbellaria : Neorhabdocoela : Genostomatidae) from leptostracan crustaceans of the genus Nebalia. Cah Biol Mar 34:111-126 |
Abstract / Notes
Two new species of the turbellarian genus Genostoma, living under the carapace of leptostracan crustaceans of the genus Nebalia, are described. Genostoma kozloffi is a symbiont of N. pugettensis in the San Juan Archipelago of Washington State (USA); G. inopinatum is associated with N. bipes at Roscoff on the Altantic coast of France. The two species differ from one another, and also from G. tergestinum and G. marsiliense, both found on N. bipes at Mediterranean localities, in the shape of the body, relative pharynx size, and the structure of the reproductive system. The arrangement of the reproductive organs and sperm morphology in species of Genostoma suggest that Dorler (1900) and von Graff (1903) were correct in placing the genus in the order Rhabdocoela (now usually Neorhabdocoela), rather than in the Alloeocoela (now Prolecithophora) as proposed by Reisinger (1924). Reisinger's synomizing of Genostoma with Calandruccio's (1897) genus Hypotrichnia is rejected, because these symbionts of Nebalia are decidedly different from the type species of Hypotrichnia, which is a free-living member of the Otoplanidae (Prolecithophora).
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