Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 15859
Sluys R, Ribas M, Baguna J (1995)
Taxonomy, ecology, and karyology of a new species of Phagocata from Spain, with a discussion on the phylogenetic systematics of the genus Phagocata s.l. (Playhelminthes, Tricladida, Paludicola).
Canadian Journal of Zoology - Revue Canadienne de Zoologie 73: 557-568.
[doi: 10.1139/z95-064

Abstract / Notes

"The new species Phagocata ullala Sluys, sp.nov. is described from two localities in Spain, the Ebro delta and
Pyrenean Massif. The species is characterized by brown dorsal pigmentation, principally ventral testes
throughout the body length, vasa deferentia that fuse to form the ejaculatory duct in the proximal section of
the cone-shaped penis papilla, and a basic haploid complement of 17 chromosomes. Animals from the Pyrenees may
be polyploid, with complements of 4n, 8n, 10n, and 14n. At present, the genus Phagocata s.l. is diagnosed only
by plesiomorphic features. The paper explores possible apomorphic characters of several groups within this
genus. It is suggested that "Albiplanaria" and Atrioplanaria are monophyletic taxa and that together
"Albiplanaria," Fonticola olivacea, and Phagocata s.str. form a monophylum."

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