Author Title Journal |
Poinar GO (2003) A rhabdocoel turbellarian (Platyhelminthes: Typhloplanoida) in Baltic amber with a review of fossil and sub-fossil Platyhelminthes. Invertebr Biol 122:308-312 |
Abstract / Notes
Palaeosoma balticus n. g., n. sp. (Rhabdocoela, Typhloplanoida), the oldest body fossil of a turbellarian and the first representative of the phylum Platyhelminthes found in fossilized resin, is described from Baltic amber 40 million years old. Characters of the fossil turbellarian are epidermal cilia, rhabdoids, a rosulate pharynx, adhesive papillae, and sensory bristles. The body cavity contains developing eggs or capsules. The fossil demonstrates that rhabdocoels had developed a terrestrial habit and were producing subitaneous eggs by the Eocene. A summary of the fossil and sub-fossil records of platyhelminths is presented
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