Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 20771
Delogu V, Curini-Galletti M (2007)
New species of the genus Parotoplana Meixner, 1938 (Proseriata, Otoplanidae) from southern Apulia (Italy)
Zootaxa 1529: 17–31

Abstract / Notes

A survey of the genus Parotoplana Meixner, 1938 in southern Apulia (Italy) resulted in the finding of six species, four of
which are new, and are formally described here. P. pythagorae sp. n. is distinguished by the presence of sharply triangular
apices of companion spines of the stylet. P. spathifera sp. n. has the lowest number of spines (eight) known in the
genus, arranged in four pairs of different morphology. P. terpsichore sp. n. differs from P. multispinosa Ax, 1956 by the
number and shape of spines. P. jondelii sp. n. has unique broad spines and is equipped with bursal spines. The karyotypes
of P. pythagorae sp. n. (n=6), P. spathifera sp. n. (n=9) and P. jondelii sp. n. (n=6) are described. The remaining two species
belong to the species-group of P. renatae Ax, 1956 / P. macrostyla Lanfranchi, 1978, and their identification on the
basis of the limited sample available is problematical. The finding of numerous new species in an area as comparatively
well studied as the central Mediterranean bears witness to our poor knowledge of the biodiversity of marine interstitial

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