Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 20924
Casu S, Vacca RA, Pala M (1982)
A New Morphological Race of Dugesia polychroa Turbellaria Tricladida from Sardinia.
Bollettino della Societa' Sarda di Scienze Naturali 22: 157-168

Abstract / Notes

A planarian of the D. lugubris-D. polychroa group, characterized by triangular head, is reported from Sardinia. The apical position of the eyes is similar to the one found in D. (Schmidtea) polychroa. The chromosome set, even if with slight differences, also is similar. Histological examination demonstrated its copulatory system to be different, in any detail, from those of the 3 spp. of D. lugubris-D. polychroa group. On the basis of the peculiarity of both the morphological characters and the chromosome set, the above planarian is temporarily considered as a new race of the D. (S.) polychroa species. The suggested denomination they suggest is D. (Schmidtea) polychroa macroauriculata ssp. nov.

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