Turbellarian taxonomic database

Record # 23951
Tokinova RP, Berdnik SV (2022)
The Species Composition and Occurrence of Free-Living Flatworms (Plathelminthes) in the Freshwater Fauna of the Middle Volga Region
Biology Bulletin 49(9): 1657-1668
[doi: 10.1134/S1062359022090333

Abstract / Notes

"According to our own and literature generalized data, 84 species from 34 genera of free-living flatworms
(Plathelminthes: Catenulida, Rhabditophora) presently occur in the freshwater fauna of the Middle Volga region
(the Tatarstan and Mari El republics). A taxonomic revision makes it possible to refine the nomenclature and
synonymy of the all identified species and to eliminate "dubious" names (Mesostoma gonocephalum and Mesostoma
viridatum). Eight species (Myostenostomum vanderlandi, Stenostomum constrictum, Stenostomum heebuktense,
Macrostomum longituba, Koinocystis lacustris, Pontaralia beklemichevi, Microdalyellia tennesseensis and
Phaenocora variodentata) recorded for the first time in the fauna of Russia. The morphological features of two
limnotyphloplanids, Gieysztoria sp. 1 and Typhloplanidae gen. sp. 1, fail to fit into the characteristics of
the species known to the fauna of Russia. Additional factual confirmation is needed for six microturbellarian
species (Stenostomum ignavum, Dalyellia scoparia, Castrada chlorea, etc.) recorded from the region more than
100 years ago. The data we obtained allow the zoogeographic structure and occurrence of free-living flatworms
in the water bodies of the Middle Volga region to be characterized."

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