author | date | title | journal / publication | Faubel A | 1984 | abs. |
Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Wirkung von Rohöl und Rohöl/Tensid-Gemischen im Ökosystem Wattenmeer. X. Turbellaria. [Experimental Investigations about Effects of Crude Oil and Dispersed Crude Oil in Tidal Flat Environments 10.] | Senckenbergiana Maritima 16(1-6): 153-170 |
Microstomum bioculatum Faubel, 1984 | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 168, Fig. 6D | |
Microstomum crildensis Faubel, 1984 | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 166-167, Figs. 6A-C | |
Pseudaphanostoma pelophilum Dörjes, 1968 | w | other taxonomic work |