Turbellarian taxonomic database

author date   title journal / publication
Willems W, Curini-Galletti M , Ferrero T, Fontaneto D, Heiner I, Huys R, Ivanenko VN, Kristensen R, Kanneby T, MacNaughton MN, Arbizu PM, Todaro MA, Sterrer W, Jondelius U 2009  abs. Meiofauna of the Koster-area, results from a workshop at the Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences (Tjärnö, Sweden) Meiofauna Marina 17:1-34
Cytocystis clitellatus Karling, 1953 w other research on this sp. 8, 10
Odontorhynchus aculeatus Karling, 1956 w other research on this sp. 8, 10