author | date | title | journal / publication | Rundell RJ, Leander BS | 2014 | abs. | Molecular examination of kalyptorhynch diversity (Platyhelminthes: Rhabdocoela), including descriptions of five meiofaunal species from the north-eastern Pacific Ocean | J Marine Biological Association United Kingdom 94(03):499-514 [doi: 10.1017/S0025315413001471 goto] |
Polycystididae Thinodactylaina Rundell & Leander, 2014 | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 6-8 | |
Thinodactylaina tlaoquiahtensis Rundell & Leander, 2014 | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 6-8 | |
Polycystididae Rostracilla Rundell & Leander, 2014 | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 7-10 | |
Rostracilla nuuchahnulthensis Rundell & Leander, 2014 | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 7-10 | |
Schizorhynchidae Undicola Rundell & Leander, 2014 | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 10-12 | |
Undicola tofinoensis Rundell & Leander, 2014 | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 10-12 | |
Schizorhynchidae Schizorhinos Rundell & Leander, 2014 | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 10, 12 | |
Schizorhinos vancouverensis Rundell & Leander, 2014 | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 10, 12 | |
Schizorhynchidae Linguabana Rundell & Leander, 2014 | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 11-12 | |
Linguabana tulai Rundell & Leander, 2014 | w | primary taxonomic authority (describer) | 11-12 | |
Gyratrix hermaphroditus Ehrenberg, 1831 | [with synonyms] | w | other research on this sp. | 6,8,9,10,11,14 |
Rhabdocoela Kalyptorhynchia Graff, 1905 | w | other research on this sp. |