author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Brandtner P | 1935 | ![]() abs. spp. |
Eine neue marine Triclade, zugleich eine Studie ueber die Turbellarien des Rycks. | Zeitschr Morph u Oekol d Tiere 29:472-480 | 472-478 | 6420 | 9973 237024 |
other taxonomic work: | Sluys R, Bush LF | 1988 | abs. spp. |
On Pentacoelum punctatum, an amphi-Atlantic marine triclad (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Maricola). | Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 107(2):162-170 | 4334 | 9441 2632 | |
other taxonomic work: | Sluys R | 1989 | spp. |
A monograph of the marine triclads (Platyhelminthes, Seriata, Tricladida). | A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam-Brookfield xii + 463 pp. | 0 | 13924 237201 | |
latest authority: | Ax P | 2008 | spp. |
Plathelminthes aus Brackgewässern der Nordhalbkugel. | Akademie der Wissenschaft und der Literatur Mainz, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 696 pp. | 293-294 | 8888 | 21269 172479 |
Literature setting new combination:
Sluys R, Bush LF | 1988 | abs. spp. |
On Pentacoelum punctatum, an amphi-Atlantic marine triclad (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Maricola). | Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 107(2):162-170 | 4334 | 9441 2632 |
Literature with distribution data:
Brandtner P | 1935 | ![]() abs. spp. |
Eine neue marine Triclade, zugleich eine Studie ueber die Turbellarien des Rycks. | Zeitschr Morph u Oekol d Tiere 29:472-480 | 6420 | 9973 237024 |
Sluys R, Bush LF | 1988 | abs. spp. |
On Pentacoelum punctatum, an amphi-Atlantic marine triclad (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Maricola). | Trans. Am. Microsc. Soc. 107(2):162-170 | 4334 | 9441 2632 |
Tulp A | 2004 | spp. |
Pentacoelum punctatum (Brandtner, 1935), een nauwelijks bekende triclade uit het brakke water, aangetroffen bij Harlingen. [Pentacoelum punctatum (Brandtner, 1935), a barely known triclad turbellarian from brackish water found near Harlingen.] | Zeepaard 64(1): 21-28 | 20823 239104 |
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