author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Stringer CE | 1909 | spp. |
Notes on Nebraska Turbellaria with descriptions of two new species. | Zool.Anz. 34, p. 257-262, 4 f. | 6264 | 10896 236712 | |
Sivickis PB | 1931 | abs. spp. |
A quantitative study of regeneration along the main axis of the triclad body. In Atti dell'XI Congresso Internationale di Zoologia, Padova 1930 | Archivio zool. Italiano 16: 430-449, 7 f. | 10839 239259 |
[Other] literature of valid taxon Phagocata velata (Stringer, 1909)
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Castle WA | 1928 | An experimental and histological study of the life-cycle of Planaria velata. | Jour. Exp. Zool. 51(4): 417-483 | 18253 | |||
Castle WA, Hyman LH | 1934 | abs. |
Observations on Fonticola velata (Stringer), including a description of the anatomy of the reproductive system. | Trans Microsc Soc 53:154-171 | 3918 | 8220 239411 | |
Hyman LH | 1937 | abs. |
Studies on the morphology, taxonomy, and distribution of North American Triclad Turbellaria. VII. The two species confused under the name Phagocata gracilis, the validity of the generic name Phagocata | Transact Amer Micr Soc 56:298-310 | 307 | 6149 | 10289 236833 |
Kenk R | 1944 | abs. | The fresh-water triclads of Michigan. | Miscell Public Mus Zool Univ Mich (60):1-44 | 28-35 | 6083 | 10408 236795 |
Kenk R | 1972 | Freshwater planarians (Turbellaria) of North America. Biota of Fresh-water Ecosystems, Identification Manual, | 1: 1-81 ; Washington, Environmental Protection Agency. [Also second printing, 1976, Cincinnati, Ohio] | 35 | 5104 | 14656 237723 | |
Kenk R | 1974 | abs. |
Index to the genera and species of the freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of the world. | Smithson Contrib Zool 183: 1-90 | 616 | 2727 338866 | |
Ball IR, Gourbault N, Kenk R | 1981 | The planarians (Turbellaria) of temporary waters in Eastern North America. | Life Science Contrib., Royal Ontario Mus. 127:1-27 | 1-2, 9-15 | 2336 | 2818 239424 | |
Kenk R | 1989 | Revised list of the North American freshwater planarians (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Paludicola). | Smithsonian Contrib. Zool. 476, 10 pp. | 2 | 4379 | 11193 239047 |
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Castle WA, Hyman LH | 1934 | abs. |
Observations on Fonticola velata (Stringer), including a description of the anatomy of the reproductive system. | Trans Microsc Soc 53:154-171 | 3918 | 8220 239411 | |
Kenk R | 1974 | abs. |
Index to the genera and species of the freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of the world. | Smithson Contrib Zool 183: 1-90 | 616 | 2727 338866 |
Literature setting new combination:
Castle WA, Hyman LH | 1934 | abs. spp. |
Observations on Fonticola velata (Stringer), including a description of the anatomy of the reproductive system. | Trans Microsc Soc 53:154-171 | 3918 | 8220 239411 |
Hyman LH | 1937 | abs. spp. |
Studies on the morphology, taxonomy, and distribution of North American Triclad Turbellaria. VII. The two species confused under the name Phagocata gracilis, the validity of the generic name Phagocata | Transact Amer Micr Soc 56:298-310 | 6149 | 10289 236833 |
Literature with distribution data:
Pearl R | 1903 | spp. |
The movements and reactions of freshwater planarians: a study in animal behaviour. | Q J Microsc Sci 46:509-714, 49 figures | 11938 239218 | |
Stringer CE | 1909 | spp. |
Notes on Nebraska Turbellaria with descriptions of two new species. | Zool.Anz. 34, p. 257-262, 4 f. | 6264 | 10896 236712 |
Higley R | 1918 | abs. spp. |
Morphology and biology of some turbellaria from the Mississippi basin. | Illinois Biological Monographs 4(3):1-94 (IV: 195-288) | 6119 | 10252 236077 |
Hyman LH | 1931 | spp. |
Studies on the morphology, taxonomy, and distribution of North American triclad Turbellaria. IV. Recent European revisions of the triclads, and their appl to American forms, with a key to the latter, and new notes on distribution. | Trans Am Microsc Soc 50:316-335 | 6615 | 5537 239476 |
Castle WA, Hyman LH | 1934 | abs. spp. |
Observations on Fonticola velata (Stringer), including a description of the anatomy of the reproductive system. | Trans Microsc Soc 53:154-171 | 3918 | 8220 239411 |
Kenk R | 1944 | abs. spp. |
The fresh-water triclads of Michigan. | Miscell Public Mus Zool Univ Mich (60):1-44 | 6083 | 10408 236795 |
Hyman LH | 1955 | abs. spp. |
Descriptions and records of fresh-water turbellarians from the United States and Canada. | Am Mus Novitates No. 1714, 36p. | 6154 | 5538 236516 |
Smith DG | 1991 | abs. spp. |
On Some Larger Turbellarian Worms Platyhelminthes Linving in Temporary Fresh Waters of Southern New England USA. | Hydrobiologia. 220(3): 255-266 | 20917 |
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