author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Beklemischev VN | 1951 | spp. |
Species belonging to the genus Macrostomum (Turbellaria, Rhabdocoela) of the Soviet Union. [In Russian] | Bull. Soc. Nat. Moskau (Biol.) 56 (4): 31-40 [russ] | 0 | 9821 236103 | |
latest authority: | Luther A | 1960 | ![]() spp. |
Die Turbellarien Ostfennoskandiens I. Acoela, Catenulida, Macrostomida, Lecithoepitheliata, Prolecithophora, und Proseriata. | Fauna Fennica 7:1-155 | 715 | 1841 236063 |
[Other] literature of valid taxon Macrostomum hystricinum Beklemischev, 1951
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Luther A | 1905 | Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Macrostoma. | Festschr Palmen, Helsingfors 5:1-61. | 3129 | 1723 236148 | ||
Ax P | 1951 | ![]() |
Die Turbellarien des Eulitorals der Kieler Bucht. | Zool Jahrb Abt Syst Oekol Geogr Tiere 80:277-378 | 0 | 7333 1717 | |
Rixen J-U | 1961 | ![]() abs. |
Kleinturbellarien aus dem Litoral der Binnengewässer Schleswig-Holsteins. | Arch Hydrobiol 57:464-538 | 476 | 6065 | 5602 236095 |
Ax P, Armonies W | 1987 | ![]() |
Amphiatlantic identities in the composition of the boreal brackish water community of Plathelminthes. A comparison between the Canadian and European Atlantic coast. | Microfauna Marina 3:7-80 | 17, figs. 6 E-G | 3897 | 8209 237159 |
Ladurner P, Mair GR, Reiter D, Salvenmoser W, Rieger RM | 1997 | Serotonergic nervous system of two macrostomid species: recent or ancient divergence? | Invertebr Biol 116: 178-191 | 6780 | 15728 | ||
Wiberg RAW, Brand JN, Schärer L | 2021 | abs. | Faster rates of molecular sequence evolution in reproduction-related genes and in species with hypodermic sperm morphologies. | Molecular biology and evolution, Vol 38(12): 5685–5703 [ goto] | 0 | 23403 428676 |
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Beklemischev VN | 1915 | ![]() |
Sur les turbellariés parasites de la cote Mourmanne. I. Acoela. [In Russian, French summary] [On parasitic turbellarians of the Mourmansk coast. I. Acoela. II. Rhabdocoela] | Trav Soc Imp Naturalistee Petrograd 43:103-172 | 2297 | 2758 235640 | |
Rixen J-U | 1961 | ![]() abs. |
Kleinturbellarien aus dem Litoral der Binnengewässer Schleswig-Holsteins. | Arch Hydrobiol 57:464-538 | 6065 | 5602 236095 |
Literature with distribution data:
Schultze Max | 1851 | ![]() spp. |
Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Turbellarien. | Greifswald. 78 pp, 7 plates | 6085 | 10788 235636 |
Gieysztor M | 1931 | ![]() abs. spp. |
Contribution à la connaissance des Turbellariés Rhabdocoèles (Turbellaria Rhabdocoela) d'Espagne. | Bull int Acad Polonaise Sci Lett, Classe Sci Math Nat B 2: 125-153, Plates 13-14 | 6526 | 10158 236070 |
Papi F | 1951 | abs. spp. |
Ricerche sui Turbellari Macrostomidae. | Arch Zool Ital 36:289-341. | 702 | 1646 236105 |
Beklemischev VN | 1951 | spp. |
Species belonging to the genus Macrostomum (Turbellaria, Rhabdocoela) of the Soviet Union. [In Russian] | Bull. Soc. Nat. Moskau (Biol.) 56 (4): 31-40 [russ] | 0 | 9821 236103 |
Ax P | 1952 | ![]() spp. |
Eine Brackwasser-Lebensgemeinschaft an Holzpfaehlen des Nord-Ostsee-Kanals. | Kieler Meeresforschungen 8:229-242,2 tab | 6553 | 9700 72567 |
Westblad E | 1953 | abs. spp. |
Marine Macrostomida (Turbellaria) from Scandinavia and England. | Ark Zool (Ser. 2) 4(23):391-408 | 0 | 7146 236177 |
Ax P | 1956 | ![]() spp. |
Les turbellariés des etangs cotiers du littoral mediterraneen de la France meridionale. | Vie et Milieu, Suppl. No. 5 (Paris):1-215 | 0 | 7318 1741 |
Ax P | 1959 | ![]() spp. |
Zur Systematik, Ökologie und Tiergeographie der Turbellarienfauna in den ponto-kaspischen Brackwassergebieten. | Zool Jahrb Abt Syst Oekol Geogr Tiere 87:43-184 | 5665 | 8004 1744 |
Luther A | 1960 | ![]() spp. |
Die Turbellarien Ostfennoskandiens I. Acoela, Catenulida, Macrostomida, Lecithoepitheliata, Prolecithophora, und Proseriata. | Fauna Fennica 7:1-155 | 715 | 1841 236063 |
Rixen J-U | 1961 | ![]() abs. spp. |
Kleinturbellarien aus dem Litoral der Binnengewässer Schleswig-Holsteins. | Arch Hydrobiol 57:464-538 | 6065 | 5602 236095 |
Mack-Fira V | 1974 | ![]() spp. |
The turbellarian fauna of the Romanian littoral waters of the Black Sea and its annexes. In: N.W. Riser & M.P. Morse, Biology of Turbellaria | McGraw-Hill, New York: 248-290 | 16177 236423 | |
Ax P, Armonies W | 1987 | ![]() spp. |
Amphiatlantic identities in the composition of the boreal brackish water community of Plathelminthes. A comparison between the Canadian and European Atlantic coast. | Microfauna Marina 3:7-80 | 3897 | 8209 237159 |
Armonies W | 1987 | ![]() spp. |
Freilebende Plathelminthes in supralitoralen Salzwiesen der Nordsee: Oekologie einer borealen Brackwasser-Lebensgemeinschaft. | Microfauna mar 3:81-156 | 6034 | 9226 1696 |
Hellwig M | 1987 | ![]() spp. |
Oekologie freilebender Plathelminthen in Grenzraum Watt-Salzwiese lenitischer Gezeitenkuesten. | Microfauna Marina 3:157-244 | 6035 | 11094 2119 |
Noreña C, Damborenea C, Faubel A & Brusa F | 2007 | abs. spp. |
Composition of meiobenthonic Platyhelminthes from brackish environments of the Galician and Cantabrian coasts of Spain with the description of a new species of Djeziraia (Polycystididae, Kalyptorhynchia) | Journal of Natural History 41 (29-32): 1989-2005 | 0 | 21904 237546 |
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