Turbellarian taxonomic database

author date   title journal / publication
Beklemischev VN 1951    Species belonging to the genus Macrostomum (Turbellaria, Rhabdocoela) of the Soviet Union. [In Russian] Bull. Soc. Nat. Moskau (Biol.) 56 (4): 31-40 [russ]
Macrostomum appendiculatum Fabricius, 1826 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum appendiculatum (1) Beklemischev, 1951 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Macrostomum clavistylum Beklemischev, 1951 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Macrostomum contortum Beklemischev, 1951 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 34-35
Macrostomum fergussoni Beklemischev, 1951 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Macrostomum hystricinum Beklemischev, 1951 [with synonyms] w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Macrostomum lacustre Beklemischev, 1951 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Macrostomum parthenopeum Beklemischev, 1951 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 32-33
Macrostomum phytophilum Beklemischev, 1951 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 33, 35
Macrostomum rossicum Beklemischev, 1951 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Macrostomum inflatum Beklemischev, 1951 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 34
Macrostomum ensiferum Beklemischev, 1951 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 33
Macrostomum japonicum quiritium Beklemischev, 1951 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 36-37
Macrostomum mosquense Beklemischev, 1951 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 36-37
Macrostomum minutum Luther, 1947 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 38
Macrostomum quiritium Beklemischev, 1951 [with synonyms] w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 189
Macrostomum orthostylum Braun, 1885 w other taxonomic work
Macrostomum lutheri Beklemischev, 1927 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 38, f. 57-58