Turbellarian taxonomic database


[Return to listing: Sorocelis subnigra Korotneff, 1912]

Sorocelis subnigra Korotneff, 1912

authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Primary authority:
Korotneff A1912index card avail.
Die Planarien des Baikal-Sees (Tricladen), systematisch, anatomisch und zoogoegraphisch Bearbeitet. in: Wiss Ergebn einer Zool Exped nach d Baikal-Seeunter d Leitung d Prof Alexis Korotneff 1900-1902Kiew u Berlin 5 lief 28 13p.010449
latest authority:Kenk R1974index card avail.
Index to the genera and species of the freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of the world.Smithson Contrib Zool 183: 1-906162727

[Other] literature of synonyms (Monocotylus subniger )
authordateabstr.titlejournal / publicationpages
Rubtzoff A1928/2010 abs. [Triclads of Lake Baikal.] Proofs of the paper of Prof. I.A. Rubtzoff, Prepared for the publication in Russian Hydrobiological Journal (Russische Hydrobiologische Zeitschrift), 1928. [In Russian]In: OA Timoshkin, ed. Index of animal species inhabiting Lake Baikal and its catchment area. Vol. II, Book 1, Ch 2.6, pp 1156-1254. 1194-1196900021960

Literature with distribution data:

Timoshkin OA, Rozhkova NA, Zaytseva EP2010  
Diversity and ecology of free-living ciliated worms (Plathelminthes, Turbellaria) of Angara River and its catchment area with description of new species and new distribution localities of Kalyptorhynchia (Fam. Polycystididae and Rhynchokarlingiidae) of BIn: OA Timoshkin, ed. Index of animal species inhabiting Lake Baikal and its catchment area. Vol II Book 1, 1.3 pp 1125-1139.900021961

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