Turbellarian taxonomic database

author date   title journal / publication
Kenk R 1974 index card avail.
Index to the genera and species of the freshwater triclads (Turbellaria) of the world. Smithson Contrib Zool 183: 1-90
Hydrolimax bruneus Girard, 1891 w other taxonomic work
Tetracelis fontana (Schrank, 1803) w latest taxonomic authority
Typhloplana fuliginosa (Leidy, 1852) w latest taxonomic authority
Rhodax evelinae Marcus, 1946 w latest taxonomic authority
Bdelloura parasitica Leidy, 1852 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Acromyadenium de Beauchamp, 1931 w latest taxonomic authority
Acromyadenium maroccanum de Beauchamp, 1931 w latest taxonomic authority
Alaoplana lanceolata (Grube, 1872) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Alaoplana sublanceolata (Livanov & Porfirjeva, 1964) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Amyadenium de Beauchamp, 1931 w latest taxonomic authority
Amyadenium beauchampi Gourbault, 1969 w latest taxonomic authority
Amyadenium brementi (de Beauchamp, 1919) w latest taxonomic authority
Amyadenium brementi oculatum Porfirieva, 1958 w latest taxonomic authority
Amyadenium chattoni de Beauchamp, 1949 w latest taxonomic authority
Amyadenium garmieri de Beauchamp, 1950 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Amyadenium vandeli de Beauchamp, 1931 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Anocelis Stimpson, 1857 w latest taxonomic authority
Anocelis caeca Duges, 1830 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Anocelis caeca (2) Vejdovsky, 1883 w latest taxonomic authority
Anocelis caeca (3) Porfirieva, 1973 w latest taxonomic authority
Anocelis fuliginosa Stimpson, 1857 w latest taxonomic authority
Anocelis hepatizon (Grube, 1872) w latest taxonomic authority
Anocelis lanceolata (Grube, 1872) w latest taxonomic authority
Anocelis pardalina (Grube, 1872) w latest taxonomic authority
Anocelis stagnalis (Müller, 1773) w latest taxonomic authority
Anocelis sublanceolata Livanov & Porfirjeva, 1964 w latest taxonomic authority
Anocelis tigrina (Grube, 1872) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Anocelis Grube, 1872 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Apodendrocoelum de Beauchamp, 1931 w latest taxonomic authority
Apodendrocoelum brachyphallus (de Beauchamp, 1929) w latest taxonomic authority
Apodendrocoelum lipophallus de Beauchamp, 1929 w latest taxonomic authority
Apodendrocoelum lipophallus superficialis Porfirieva, 1958 w latest taxonomic authority
Apodendrocoelum puteale (Kenk, 1930) w latest taxonomic authority
Apodendrocoelum superficialis Porfirieva, 1958 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Archicotylus Korotneff, 1912 w other taxonomic work
Archicotylus cinereus Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Archicotylus decoloratus Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Archicotylus flavus Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Archicotylus junca (Korotneff, 1912) w latest taxonomic authority
Archicotylus lacteus Korotneff, 1912 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Archicotylus maculatus Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Archicotylus multiclada Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Archicotylus parvipunctatus (Korotneff, 1912) w latest taxonomic authority
Archicotylus planus (Sabussow, 1903) w latest taxonomic authority
Archicotylus rutilus Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Microarchicotylus stringulatus (Korotneff, 1912) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Archicotylus viviparus Rubtzoff, 1928 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Armilla Livanov, 1961 w other taxonomic work
Armilla armata (Sabussow, 1903) w latest taxonomic authority
Armilla pardalina (Grube, 1872) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Atria Porfirieva, 1970 w other taxonomic work
Atria kozhowi Porfirieva, 1970 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Baikaloplana Berg, 1925 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Baikaloplana valida (Korotneff, 1912) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Baikalobia Kenk, 1930 w other taxonomic work
Baikalobia copulatrix (Korotneff, 1912) w latest taxonomic authority
Baikalobia guttata (Gerstfeldt, 1858) w other taxonomic work
Baikalobia guttata guttata (Gerstfeldt, 1858) w latest taxonomic authority
Baikalobia guttata major Livanov, 1961 w latest taxonomic authority
Baikalobia raddei (Sabussowa, 1911) w other taxonomic work
Baikalobia variegata (Korotneff, 1912) w latest taxonomic authority
Bdellocephala angarensis cotyloides Rubtzoff, 1928 w latest taxonomic authority
Bdellocephala angarensis melanocinerea (Korotneff, 1912) w other taxonomic work
Bdellocephala angarensis olivacea (Korotneff, 1912) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Bdellocephala angarensis subrufa (Korotneff, 1912) w latest taxonomic authority
Bdellocephala arcellaris (Korotneff, 1912) w latest taxonomic authority
Bdellocephala baicalensis (Zabusova, 1903) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Bdellocephala baicalensis baikalensis Livanov, 1962 w other taxonomic work
Bdellocephala baicalensis compacta Livanov, 1962 w latest taxonomic authority
Bdellocephala baicalensis subniger Livanov, 1962 w other taxonomic work
Bdellocephala bicornis (Gmelin, 1791) w latest taxonomic authority
Bdellocephala brunnea Ijima & Kaburaki, 1916 w latest taxonomic authority
Bdellocephala cotyloides Rubtzoff, 1928 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Bdellocephala exotica (Hyman, 1953) w latest taxonomic authority
Bdellocephala fusca (Pallas, 1774) w latest taxonomic authority
Bdellocephala hypervesiculina Livanov, 1962 w latest taxonomic authority
Bdellocephala jezensis Ichikawa, 1954 w latest taxonomic authority
Bdellocephala kamtschatica Zabusova, 1929 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Bdellocephala punctata (Pallas, 1774) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Bdellocephala schneideri Komarek, 1930 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Bolbodendrocoelum de Beauchamp, 1932 w latest taxonomic authority
Bolbodendrocoelum agile de Beauchamp, 1932 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Caspioplana Zabusova, 1951 w latest taxonomic authority
Caspioplana pharyngosa Zabusova, 1951 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum abditum (Kenk, 1940) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum adenodactylosum (Stankovic & Komarek, 1927) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum affine Codreanu & Balcesco, 1970 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum agile de Beauchamp, 1932 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum alba (Linné, 1746) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum alba crenatum (Müller, 1773) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum alba simplex Perkins, 1928 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum album (Steinmann, 1910) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum alexandrinae Codreanu & Balcesco, 1970 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum angarense (Gerstfeldt, 1858) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum atriostrictum Codreanu & Balcesco, 1967 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum banaticum Codreanu & Balcesco, 1967 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum barbei de Beauchamp, 1956 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum beauchampi Del Papa, 1953 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum boettgeri An der Lan, 1955 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum bohemicum Komarek & Kunst, 1956 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum brachyphallus (Beauchamp, 1929) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum brandtii Bohmig, 1893 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum brunneomarginatum Bohmig, 1893 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum caecum (Komarek, 1926) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum carpathicum Komarek, 1926 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum caspicum Porfirjeva & Dyganova, 1972 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum caucasicum Porfirieva, 1958 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum cavaticum (Fries, 1874) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum cavaticum sollaudi de Beauchamp, 1931 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum chappuisi de Beauchamp, 1932 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum clujanum Codreanu, 1943 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum codreanui Gourbault, 1967 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum coecum (Komarek, 1926) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum coiffaiti de Beauchamp, 1956 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum collini (de Beauchamp, 1919) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum debeauchampianum Codreanu & Balcesco, 1967 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum decemoculatum (Komarek, 1919) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum dumitrescuae Gourbault, 1967 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum findeneggi (Reisinger, 1971) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum fuscum (Pallas, 1774) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum geticum Codreanu & Balcesco, 1970 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum gineti de Beauchamp, 1954 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum graffi Wilhelmi, 1909 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum hankoi (Gelei J, 1927) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum hercynicum Flossner, 1959 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum hussoni Sauber, 1970 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum infernale (Steinmann, 1907) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum italicum Vialli, 1937 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum kenki de Beauchamp, 1927 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum lacteum bathycola (Steinmann, 1909) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum lacteum crenatum (Müller, 1773) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum lacteum croceum (Baer, 1827) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum lacteum simplex Perkins, 1928 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum lacteum verbanense Benazzi, 1945 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum lacteum Ørsted, 1844 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum lacteum crenata (Müller, 1773) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum lescherae Gourbault, 1970 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum lipophallus (de Beauchamp, 1929) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum longipenis Komarek, 1916 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum mrazekii (Vejdovsky, 1895) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum mrazekii pannonicum (Mehely, 1927) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum nausicaae Schmidt, 1861 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum orghidani Codreanu & Balcesco, 1967 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum orghidani (2) Gourbault, 1967 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum panamicum (Mehely, 1927) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum pannonicum (Mehely, 1927) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum parisi (de Beauchamp, 1929) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum parvioculatum de Beauchamp, 1932 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum percoecum Packard, 1879 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum plesiophthalmum de Beauchamp, 1937 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum polymorphum Codreanu & Balcesco, 1967 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum prespense (Stankovic, 1969) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum pulcherrimum Girard, 1850 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum punctatum (Pallas, 1774) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum puteale Kenk, 1930 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum quadrioculatum (Graff, 1875) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum racovitzae de Beauchamp, 1949 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum regnaudi (de Beauchamp, 1919) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum remyi de Beauchamp, 1926 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum romanodanubiale (Codreanu, 1949) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum sollaudi de Beauchamp, 1931 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum spelaeum (Kenk, 1924) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum spelaeum caucasicum Porfirieva, 1958 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum sphaerophallus (de Beauchamp, 1929) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum spinosipenis Kenk, 1925 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum sanctinaumi (Stankovic & Komarek, 1927) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum stenophallous Codreanu & Balcesco, 1967 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum subterraneum Komarek, 1919 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum superbum Girard, 1850 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum superficiale (Porfirieva, 1958) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum tismanae Codreanu & Balcesco, 1967 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum truncatum (Leidy, 1852) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum tubuliferum de Beauchamp, 1919 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum tuzetae Gourbault, 1965 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum vaillanti Beauchamp, 1954 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum vitta (Duges, 1830) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum vittatum Diesing, 1850 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum voinovi (Codreanu, 1929) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelum warnimonti Hoffmann, 1964 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Dendrocoelides de Beauchamp, 1919 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides abditum (Kenk, 1940) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides archipannonicus Gelei, 1927 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides atriostrictum (Codreanu & Balcesco, 1967) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides banaticum (Codreanu & Balcesco, 1967) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides barbnei (de Beauchamp, 1956) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides brachyphallus de Beauchamp, 1929 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides carpathium Komarek, 1926 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides cavatica (Fries, 1874) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides chappuisi (de Beauchamp, 1932) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides clujanum (Codreanu, 1943) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides codreanui (Gourbault, 1967) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides coeca Komarek, 1926 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides coiffaiti (de Beauchamp, 1956) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides collini de Beauchamp, 1919 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides debeauchampianum (Codreanu & Balcesco, 1967) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides dumitrescuae (Gourbault, 1967) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides hankoi Gelei, 1927 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides italicum (Vialli, 1937) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides kenki (de Beauchamp, 1937) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides lescherae (Gourbault, 1970) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides lipophallus de Beauchamp, 1929 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides mrazeki (Vejdovsky, 1895) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides mrazeki pannonica (Mehely, 1927) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides orghidani (Codreanu & Balcesco, 1967) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides orghidani (Gourbault, 1967) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides pannonicus Mehely, 1927 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides polymorphum (Codreanu & Balcesco, 1967) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides racovitzai (de Beauchamp, 1949) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides regnardi de Beauchamp, 1919 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides spelaea Kenk, 1924 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides sphaerophallus de Beauchamp, 1929 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides tismanae (Codreanu & Balcesco, 1967) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides tubuliferum (de Beauchamp, 1919) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides tuzetae Gourbault, 1965 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides vaillanti (Beauchamp, 1954) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelides voinovi (Codreanu, 1929) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelopsis alaskensis Kenk, 1953 w other taxonomic work
Dendrocoelopsis americana (Hyman, 1939) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelopsis beauchampi (Gourbault, 1969) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelopsis borealis Ichikawa, 1954 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelopsis brementi (de Beauchamp, 1919) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelopsis brementi oculatum (Porfirieva, 1968) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelopsis chattoni (de Beauchamp, 1949) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelopsis ezensis Ichikawa & Okugawa, 1958 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelopsis garmieri (de Beauchamp, 1950) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelopsis hymanae Kawakatsu, 1968 w other taxonomic work
Dendrocoelopsis lactea Ichikawa & Okugawa, 1958 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelopsis oculata (Porfirieva, 1958) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelopsis piriformis Kenk, 1953 w other taxonomic work
Dendrocoelopsis spinosipenis Kenk, 1925 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelopsis vaginata Hyman, 1935 w other taxonomic work
Dendrocoelopsis vandeli (de Beauchamp, 1931) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Eudendrocoelum Komarek, 1925 w latest taxonomic authority
Eudendrocoelum beauchampi (del Papa, 1952) w latest taxonomic authority
Eudendrocoelum bohemicum (Komarek & Kunst, 1956) w latest taxonomic authority
Eudendrocoelum botosaneanui (Del Papa, 1970) w latest taxonomic authority
Eudendrocoelum gineti (de Beauchamp, 1954) w latest taxonomic authority
Eudendrocoelum hussoni (Sauber, 1970) w latest taxonomic authority
Eudendrocoelum infernale (Steinmann, 1907) w latest taxonomic authority
Eudendrocoelum jablanicense (Stankovic & Komarek, 1927) w latest taxonomic authority
Eudendrocoelum lacteum (Müller, 1773) w latest taxonomic authority
Eudendrocoelum nausicaae (Schmidt, 1861) w latest taxonomic authority
Eudendrocoelum parvioculatum (de Beauchamp, 1932) w latest taxonomic authority
Eudendrocoelum remyi (de Beauchamp, 1926) w latest taxonomic authority
Eudendrocoelum sollaudi (de Beauchamp, 1931) w latest taxonomic authority
Eudendrocoelum subterraneum (Komarek, 1919) w latest taxonomic authority
Eudendrocoelum tubuliferum (de Beauchamp, 1919) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Gerstfeldtia Sabussowa, 1911 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Hyperbulbina Livanov & Porfirjeva, 1962 w latest taxonomic authority
Hyperbulbina bifasciata (Sabussow, 1903) w latest taxonomic authority
Hyperbulbina dybowskyi (Sabussow, 1903) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Hyperbulbina graffi Sabussow, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Hyperbulbina grubei (Sabussow, 1903) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Hyperpapillina Porfirieva, 1973 w other taxonomic work
Hyperpapillina graffi (Sabussow, 1903) w latest taxonomic authority
Hyperpapillina ocellata (Korotneff, 1912) w latest taxonomic authority
Macrocotyla glandularis Hyman, 1956 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Miodendrocoelum de Beauchamp, 1929 w latest taxonomic authority
Miodendrocoelum parisi de Beauchamp, 1929 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Monocotylus Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Monocotylus cingulatus Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Monocotylus subniger Korotneff, 1912 w other taxonomic work
Dendrocoelidae Neodendrocoelum Stankovic & Komarek, 1927 w latest taxonomic authority
Neodendrocoelum adenodactylosum (Stankovic & Komarek, 1927) w latest taxonomic authority
Neodendrocoelum album Komarek, 1953 w latest taxonomic authority
Neodendrocoelum cruciferum Stankovic, 1969 w latest taxonomic authority
Neodendrocoelum findeneggi Reisinger, 1971 w latest taxonomic authority
Neodendrocoelum grande Paunovic & Rimsa, 1968 w latest taxonomic authority
Neodendrocoelum jablanicense Stankovic & Komarek, 1927 w latest taxonomic authority
Neodendrocoelum komareki Stankovic, 1969 w latest taxonomic authority
Neodendrocoelum lacustre Stankovic, 1938 w latest taxonomic authority
Neodendrocoelum lychnidicum Stankovic, 1969 w latest taxonomic authority
Neodendrocoelum maculatum Stankovic & Komarek, 1927 w latest taxonomic authority
Neodendrocoelum magnum Stankovic, 1969 w latest taxonomic authority
Neodendrocoelum nausicae (Schmidt, 1861) w latest taxonomic authority
Neodendrocoelum ochridense Stankovic & Komarek, 1927 w latest taxonomic authority
Neodendrocoelum plesiophthalmum (de Beauchamp, 1937) w latest taxonomic authority
Neodendrocoelum prespense Stankovic, 1969 w latest taxonomic authority
Neodendrocoelum sanctinaumi Stankovic & Komarek, 1927 w latest taxonomic authority
Neodendrocoelum suetinaumi Geus, 1967 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Palaeodendrocoelum Codreanu, 1949 w latest taxonomic authority
Palaeodendrocoelum danubialis Codreanu, 1951 w latest taxonomic authority
Palaeodendrocoelum geticum (Codreanu & Balcesco, 1970) w latest taxonomic authority
Palaeodendrocoelum romanodanubialis Codreanu, 1949 w latest taxonomic authority
Papilloplana grisea (Sabussow, 1903) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Papilloplana leucocephala (Sabussow, 1903) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Papilloplana papillosa (Korotneff, 1912) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Paradendrocoelum Kenk, 1930 w latest taxonomic authority
Paradendrocoelum abditum Kenk, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Paradendrocoelum alexandrinae (Codreanu & Balcesco, 1970) w latest taxonomic authority
Paradendrocoelum carpathicum (Komarek, 1926) w latest taxonomic authority
Paradendrocoelum cavatica (Fries, 1874) w latest taxonomic authority
Paradendrocoelum cavatica sollaudi (de Beauchamp, 1931) w latest taxonomic authority
Paradendrocoelum hankoi (Gelei J, 1927) w latest taxonomic authority
Paradendrocoelum hercynicum (Flossner, 1959) w latest taxonomic authority
Paradendrocoelum infernale (Steinmann, 1907) w latest taxonomic authority
Paradendrocoelum longipenis (Komarek, 1916) w latest taxonomic authority
Paradendrocoelum sollaudi (de Beauchamp, 1931) w latest taxonomic authority
Paradendrocoelum spelaeum Kenk, 1924 w latest taxonomic authority
Paradendrocoelum tubuliferum (de Beauchamp, 1919) w latest taxonomic authority
Paradendrocoelum voinovi (Codreanu, 1929) w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Polycladodes Steinmann, 1910 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycladodes affine (Codreanu & Balcesco, 1970) w latest taxonomic authority
Polycladodes alba Steinmann, 1910 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycladodes caecum (Komarek, 1926) w latest taxonomic authority
Polycladodes caspicum (Porfirjeva & Dyganova, 1972) w latest taxonomic authority
Polycladodes cavatica (Fries, 1874) w latest taxonomic authority
Polycladodes decemoculata Komarek, 1919 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycladodes subterranea Hartmann, 1921 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycladodes voinovi Codreanu, 1929 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Polycotylus Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycotylus profundus Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycotylus validus Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Procotyla Leidy, 1857 w other taxonomic work
Procotyla armatus Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Procotyla baicalensis Zabusov, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Procotyla fluviatilis Leidy, 1857 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Procotyla leidyi Girard, 1893 w latest taxonomic authority
Procotyla magnus Korotneff, 1912 w other taxonomic work
Procotyla typhlops Kenk, 1935 w other taxonomic work
Dendrocoelidae Protocotylus Korotneff, 1908 w other taxonomic work
Protocotylus flavus Korotneff, 1908 w latest taxonomic authority
Protocotylus fungiformis (Sabussow, 1903) w latest taxonomic authority
Protocotylus magnus (Korotneff, 1912) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Dendrocoelidae Rectocephala Hyman, 1953 w other taxonomic work
Rectocephala baicalensis (Sabussow, 1903) w latest taxonomic authority
Rectocephala exotica Hyman, 1953 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Rectocephala grubiiformis (Zabusova, 1929) w latest taxonomic authority
Rectocephala kamtschatica (Zabusova, 1929) w latest taxonomic authority
Rectocephala schneideri (Komarek, 1930) w latest taxonomic authority
Rimacephalus baikalensis Korotneff, 1910 w latest taxonomic authority
Rimacephalus bistriatus Korotneff, 1901 w latest taxonomic authority
Rimacephalus punctatus Sabussow, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Rjabuschinskya Zabusov, 1916 w latest taxonomic authority
Rjabuschinskya schmidti Zabusov, 1916 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Sorocelopsis Komarek, 1919 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelopsis decemoculata Komarek, 1919 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis aculeata Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis alba Sabussow, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis albifrons Korotneff, 1910 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis americana Hyman, 1939 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis angarensis Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis arcellaris Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis argillosa Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis bilineata Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis bipartita Sabussow, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis copulatrix Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis cotyloides Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis eburnea Muth, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis elongata Sabussowa, 1929 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis eudendrocoeloides Sabussowa, 1929 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis fulva Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis fulvescens Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis fungiformis Sabussow, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis fusca Sabussow, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis garjajewi Sabussow, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis gracilis (1) Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis gracilis (2) Seidl, 1911 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis graffi (1) Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis graffi (2) Sabussow, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis grisea Sabussow, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis guttata (Gerstfeldt, 1858) w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis hepatizon (Grube, 1872) w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis incerta (Korotneff, 1912) w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis junca Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis koslowi Zabusov, 1911 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis lactea (2) Seidl, 1911 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis lactea (1) Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis lacteus (3) Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority 5
Sorocelis leucocephala Sabussow, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis leucocephala bifasciata Sabussow, 1911 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis linearis Sabussow, 1911 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis lineata Sabussow, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis lobata Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis lutea Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis maculosa Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis melanocinerea Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis mongolica Sabussowa, 1911 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis nigrofasciata (Grube, 1872) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis nigrofasciata boehmigi Sabussow, 1911 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis nigrescens Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis nigromaculata Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis obscura Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis ocellata Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis oculimarginata Palombi, 1931 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis pardalina (Grube, 1872) w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis parvipumctata Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis pingata (Korotneff, 1912) w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis plana Sabussow, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis polyophthalma Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis raddei Sabussow, 1911 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis relicta Sabussowa, 1929 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis reticulosa Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis retiformis Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis rosea Sabussow, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis sapporo Ijima & Kaburaki, 1916 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis stellomaculata Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis stringulata Korotneff, 1912 w other taxonomic work
Sorocelis stummeri Seidl, 1911 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis subfulva Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis subnigra Korotneff, 1912 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis subrufa Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis tenuis Sabussow, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis tibetica Zabusov, 1911 w other taxonomic work
Sorocelis tigrina (Grube, 1872) w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis transversostriata (Korotneff, 1912) w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis usitata Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis ussowii Sabussow, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis variegata Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis versicolor Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Sorocelis zigestes Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Thysanoplana (2) Graff, 1912-17 w latest taxonomic authority
Thysanoplana (2) grisea (Sabussow, 1903) w latest taxonomic authority
Thysanoplana (2) leucocephala (Sabussow, 1903) w latest taxonomic authority
Thysanoplana (2) papillosa (Korotneff, 1912) w latest taxonomic authority
Kenkiidae Kenkia Hyman, 1937 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Sphalloplana (Polypharyngea) mohri (Hyman, 1938) w other taxonomic work
Sphalloplana (Speophila) pricei Hyman, 1937 w latest taxonomic authority
Planaria fusca (Pallas, 1774) [with synonyms] - latest taxonomic authority 47
Sphalloplana Sphalloplana de Beauchamp, 1931 w other taxonomic work
Sphalloplana (Sphalloplana) coreana Kawakatsu & Kim, 1967 w latest taxonomic authority
Sphalloplana (Sphalloplana) ductosacculata Livanov & Zabusova, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Sphalloplana (Sphalloplana) kansensis Hyman, 1945 w latest taxonomic authority
Sphalloplana reddelli Mitchell, 1968 w latest taxonomic authority
Sphalloplana sloani Mitchell, 1968 w latest taxonomic authority
Sphalloplana zeschi Mitchell, 1968 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesiidae Bopsula Marcus, 1946 w latest taxonomic authority
Bopsula evelinae Marcus, 1946 w latest taxonomic authority
Cura azteca (Benazzi & Giannini, 1971) w latest taxonomic authority
Cura evelinae Marcus, 1955 w other taxonomic work
Cura falklandica (Westblad, 1952) w latest taxonomic authority
Cura foremanii (Girard, 1852) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Cura jeanneli (Beauchamp, 1913) w other taxonomic work
Cura michaelseni (Bohmig, 1902) w latest taxonomic authority
Cura paeta Marcus, 1955 w latest taxonomic authority
Cura patagonica (Borelli, 1901) w latest taxonomic authority
Cura pinguis (Weiss, 1909) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Cura schubarti (Marcus, 1946) w latest taxonomic authority
Cura tinga Marcus, 1955 w latest taxonomic authority
Curtisia ambigua (Bohmig, 1902) w latest taxonomic authority
Curtisia falklandica Westblad, 1952 w latest taxonomic authority
Curtisia foremani (Girard, 1852) w latest taxonomic authority
Curtisia michaelsoni (Bohmig, 1902) w latest taxonomic authority
Curtisia patagonica (Borelli, 1901) w latest taxonomic authority
Curtisia schubarti Marcus, 1946 w latest taxonomic authority
Curtisia seclusa (de Beauchamp, 1940) w latest taxonomic authority
Curtisia simplissima Curtis, 1900 w latest taxonomic authority
Curtisia stagnalis Nurse, 1950 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia aborensis (Whitehouse, 1913) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia absoloni (Komarek, 1919) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Dugesia agilis (Stringer, 1909) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia alpina (Dana, 1766) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia ambigua Bohmig, 1902 w other taxonomic work
Dugesia anceps (Kenk, 1930) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia anceps maculata (Borelli, 1895) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia andamanensis (Kaburaki, 1925) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia andina (Borelli, 1895) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia annandalei (Kaburaki, 1918) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia antillana Kenk, 1941 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia arimana Hyman, 1957 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia arndti Marcus, 1946 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia astrocheta Marcus, 1953 w other taxonomic work
Dugesia bactriana de Beauchamp, 1959 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia barroisi (Whitehouse, 1914) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia benazzii Lepori, 1951 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia biblica Benazzi & Banchetti, 1973 w other taxonomic work
Dugesia bilineata (Kaburaki, 1918) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia boehmigi (Weiss, 1910) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia borneana Kawakatsu, 1972 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia brachycephala (Bohmig, 1897) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia burmaensis (Kaburaki, 1918) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia cameliae (Fuhrmann, 1914) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia chichkovi (Hranova, 1929) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia chilla Marcus, 1954 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia colapha Dahm, 1967 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia congolensis de Beauchamp, 1951 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia cretica (Meixner, 1928) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia diabolis Hyman, 1956 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia dimorpha (Bohmig, 1902) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia dorotocephala (Woodworth, 1897) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Dugesia ectophysa Marcus, 1953 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia etrusca Benazzi, 1944 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia etrusca biodenodattila Lepori, 1950 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia etrusca biodenodactyla Benazzi, 1965 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia etrusca labronica Lepori, 1950 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia etrusca monodactyla Lepori, 1950 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia evelinae Marcus, 1955 w other taxonomic work
Dugesia falklandica (Westblad, 1952) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia fissipara (Kennel, 1888) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia fontinalis (Nurse, 1950) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia foremanii Girard, 1852 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia glandulosa (Kenk, 1930) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia gonocephala bakurianica Porfirieva, 1958 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia gonocephala ilvana Lepori, 1948 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia gonocephala meridionalis Benazzi, 1961 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia gonocephala praecaucasica Porfirieva, 1958 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia gonocephala subtentaculata (Draparnaud, 1801) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia gonocephala taurocaucasica (Livanov, 1951) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia gonocephaloides Girard, 1850 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia graffi (Weiss, 1909) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia hoernesi (Weiss, 1909) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia hymanae (Sivickis, 1928) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia hypoglauca Marcus, 1948 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia iheringii (Bohmig, 1887) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia ilvana Lepori, 1948 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia indica Kawakatsu, 1969 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia indonesiana Kawakatsu, 1973 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia iranica Livanov, 1951 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia izuensis Kato, 1943 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia jeanneli (de Beauchamp, 1913) w other taxonomic work
Dugesia jimi Martins, 1970 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia lamottei de Beauchamp, 1952 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia lanzai Banchetti & del Papa, 1972 w other taxonomic work
Dugesia lata (Sivickis, 1923) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia laurentiana (Borelli, 1897) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia lindbergi de Beauchamp, 1959 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia longistriata (Fuhrmann, 1914) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia lugubris (Schmidt, 1861) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia machadoi de Beauchamp, 1952 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia mackenziei Mitchell & Kawakatsu, 1973 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia maculata (Leidy, 1847) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia michaelsoni (Bohmig, 1902) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia microbursalis (Hyman, 1931) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia milloti Beauchamp, 1952 w other taxonomic work
Dugesia modesta Girard, 1893 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia monomyoda Marcus, 1953 w other taxonomic work
Dugesia montana Nurse, 1950 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia montana albolineata Nurse, 1950 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia montana montana Nurse, 1950 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia nannophallus Ball, 1970 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia neumanni (Neppi, 1904) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Dugesia nonatoi Marcus, 1946 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia paeta (Marcus, 1955) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia paramensis (Fuhrmann, 1914) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia patagonica (Borelli, 1901) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia pinguis (Weiss, 1910) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia polychroa (Schmidt, 1861) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia polyorchis (Fuhrmann, 1914) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia praecaucasica Porfirieva, 1958 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia rava (Weiss, 1909) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Dugesia rincona Marcus, 1954 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia salina (Whitehouse, 1914) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Dugesia sanchezi Hyman, 1959 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia schauinslandi (Neppi, 1904) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia schubarti (Marcus, 1946) w other taxonomic work
Dugesia seclusa (de Beauchamp, 1940) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia sicula Lepori, 1948 w other taxonomic work
Dugesia similis (Bohmig, 1902) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia subtentaculata (Draparnaud, 1801) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Dugesia sudanica Dahm, 1971 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia tanganyikae (Laidlaw, 1906) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia taurocaucasica (Livanov, 1951) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia tiberiensis (Whitehouse, 1914) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia tigrina (Girard, 1850) w other taxonomic work
Dugesia tinga (Marcus, 1955) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia titicacana Hyman, 1939 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia torva (Müller, 1773) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia transcaucasica (Livanov, 1951) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia veneranda Martins, 1970 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia venusta (Bohmig, 1897) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia wimbimba Marcus, 1970 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia wytegrensis (Sabussow, 1907) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesiidae Euplanaria Hesse, 1897 w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria absoloni (Komarek, 1919) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria agilis (Stringer, 1909) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria anceps Kenk, 1930 w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria andamanensis (Kaburaki, 1925) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria andina (Borelli, 1895) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria aurita (Kennel, 1888) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria bohmigi (Weiss, 1910) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria burmaensis (Kaburaki, 1918) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria cameliae (Fuhrmann, 1914) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria cretica Meixner, 1928 w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria dimorpha (Bohmig, 1902) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria dorotocephala (Woodworth, 1897) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria etrusca (Benazzi, 1944) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria festae (Borelli, 1898) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria glandulosa Kenk, 1930 w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria gonocephala (Duges, 1830) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria gonocephala cretica Meixner, 1928 w latest taxonomic authority 23
Euplanaria gracilis (Haldeman, 1840) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria graffi (Weiss, 1909) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria hoernesi (Weiss, 1909) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria iheringi (Bohmig, 1887) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria jeanneli (Beauchamp, 1913) w other taxonomic work
Euplanaria lata (Sivickis, 1923) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria longistriata (Fuhrmann, 1914) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria lugubris (Schmidt, 1861) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria maculata (Leidy, 1847) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria mertoni (Steinmann, 1914) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria microbursalis Hyman, 1931 w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria neumanni (Neppi, 1904) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria novangliae Hyman, 1931 w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria paramensis (Fuhrmann, 1914) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria philadelphica Hyman, 1931 w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria polychroa (Schmidt, 1861) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria porva (Müller, 1773) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria schauinslandi (Neppi, 1904) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria seclusa de Beauchamp, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria subtentaculata (Draparnaud, 1801) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria taurocaucasica Livanov, 1951 w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria tigrina (Girard, 1850) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria tigrina novangliae Hyman, 1931 w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria torva (Müller, 1773) w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria transcaucasica Livanov, 1951 w latest taxonomic authority
Euplanaria wytegrensis (Sabussow, 1907) w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesiidae Geopaludicola Komarek, 1919 w latest taxonomic authority
Girardia aurita (Kennel, 1888) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Girardia azteca (Benazzi & Giannini, 1971) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Girardia barbarae (Mitchell & Kawakatsu, 1973) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Girardia festai albolineata (Borelli, 1898) w latest taxonomic authority
Girardia guatemalensis (Mitchell & Kawakatsu, 1973) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Girardia mckenziei (Mitchell & Kawakatsu, 1973) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Girardia typhlomexicana (Mitchell & Kawakatsu, 1973) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Planariidae Albiplanaria Komarek, 1926 w latest taxonomic authority
Albiplanaria coarctica Arndt, 1920 w latest taxonomic authority
Albiplanaria macedonica (Stankovic, 1926) w latest taxonomic authority
Albiplanaria maculata Stankovic & Komarek, 1938 w latest taxonomic authority
Planariidae Albioplanaria Kawakatsu, 1966 w latest taxonomic authority
Planariidae Atioplanaria Kenk, 1936 w latest taxonomic authority
Planariidae Atrioplanaria de Beauchamp, 1932 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Atrioplanaria delamarei Gourbault, 1969 w latest taxonomic authority
Atrioplanaria notadena de Beauchamp, 1937 w latest taxonomic authority
Atrioplanaria opisthogona (Kenk, 1936) w latest taxonomic authority
Atrioplanaria prosorchis (Kenk, 1937) w latest taxonomic authority
Atrioplanaria racovitzai (Beauchamp, 1928) w latest taxonomic authority
Planariidae Crenobia Kenk, 1930 w latest taxonomic authority
Crenobia abscissa (Ijima, 1887) w latest taxonomic authority
Crenobia alpina (Dana, 1766) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Crenobia alpina alba (Oye, 1935) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Crenobia alpina meridionalis (Thienemann, 1938) w latest taxonomic authority
Crenobia alpina montenigrina (Mrazek, 1904) w latest taxonomic authority
Crenobia alpina septentrionalis (Thienemann, 1938) w latest taxonomic authority
Crenobia alpina teratophila (Steinmann, 1908) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Crenobia anophthalma (Mrazek, 1907) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Crenobia infernalis (Steinmann, 1907) w latest taxonomic authority
Crenobia montenigrina (Mrazek, 1904) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Crenobia teratophila (Steinmann, 1908) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola albissima (Vejdovsky, 1883) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola albissima catalaunica de Beauchamp, 1932 w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola albissima dalmatica (Stankovic & Komarek, 1927) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola albissima illyrica (Komarek, 1919) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola albissima macedonica (Stankovic, 1926) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola altaica Livanov & Zabusova, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola armeniaca (Komarek, 1916) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola bosniaca (Stankovic, 1926) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola bursaperforata (Darlington, 1959) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola cavernicola (Hyman, 1954) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola dalmatica Stankovic & Komarek, 1927 w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola gracilis (Haldeman, 1840) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola gracilis gracilis (Haldeman, 1840) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola gracilis monopharyngea (Hyman, 1945) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola gracilis woodworthi (Hyman, 1937) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola illyrica (Komarek, 1919) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola leptophallus Reisinger, 1963 w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola macedonica (Stankovic, 1926) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola maculata Stankovic, 1938 w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola morgani (Stevens & Boring, 1906) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola morgani morgani (Stevens & Boring, 1906) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola morgani polycelis Kenk, 1935 w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola nivea (Kenk, 1953) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola nivea nivea Kenk, 1953 w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola nivea tahoena (Kawakatsu, 1968) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola notadena (de Beauchamp, 1937) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola ochridana Stankovic &Komarek, 1927 w latest taxonomic authority 42
Fonticola olivacea (Schmidt, 1861) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola opisthogona Kenk, 1936 w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola oregonensis (Hyman, 1963) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola paravitta (Reisinger, 1923) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola paravittoides Livanov & Zabusova, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola pellucida (Ijima & Kaburaki, 1916) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola percaeca (Packard, 1879) w other taxonomic work
Fonticola prosorchis Kenk, 1937 w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola racovitzai (de Beauchamp, 1928) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola sibirica (Sabussow, 1903) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola stankovici Reisinger, 1960 w latest taxonomic authority 43
Fonticola subterranea (Hyman, 1937) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola truncata (Leidy, 1852) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola undulata Stankovic, 1960 w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola velata (Stringer, 1909) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola vernalis (Kenk, 1944) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola vitta (Duges, 1830) w latest taxonomic authority
Fonticola vivida (Ijima & Kaburaki, 1916) w latest taxonomic authority
Planariidae Fondicola Buchanan, 1936 w latest taxonomic authority
Planariidae Galeocephala Stimpson, 1857 w latest taxonomic authority
Galeocephala superba (Girard, 1850) w latest taxonomic authority
Galeocephala tentaculata (Müller, 1773) w latest taxonomic authority
Planariidae Hymanella Castle, 1941 w other taxonomic work
Planariidae Penecurva Livanov & Zabusova, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Penecurva albata Ichikawa & Kawakatsu, 1962 w latest taxonomic authority
Penecurva fontinalis (Sabussow, 1903) w latest taxonomic authority
Penecurva iwamai (Ichikawa & Kawakatsu, 1962) w latest taxonomic authority
Penecurva mesorchis Livanov & Zabusova, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Penecurva mesorchis praeputis Livanov & Zabusova, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Penecurva sibirica (Sabussow, 1903) w latest taxonomic authority
Penecurva teletzkiana Livanov & Zabusova, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Penecurva teletzkiana longopharyngea Livanov & Zabusova, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Penecurva vivida (Ijima & Kaburaki, 1916) w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata albata (Ichikawa & Kawakatsu, 1962) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata albissima (Vejdovsky, 1883) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata altaica (Livanov & Zabusova, 1940) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata arethusa (Dalyell, 1814) w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata armeniaca (Komarek, 1916) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata bosniaca (Stankovic, 1926) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata bursaperforata Darlington, 1959 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Phagocata cavernicola Hyman, 1954 w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata coarctica (Arndt, 1920) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata cornuta Chichoff, 1903 w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata coronata Girard, 1891 w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata crenophila Carpenter, 1969 w other taxonomic work
Phagocata gracilis Leidy, 1847 w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata gracilis (Haldeman, 1840) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Phagocata gracilis gracilis (Haldeman, 1840) w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata illyrica (Komarek, 1919) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata iwamai Ichikawa & Kawakatsu, 1962 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata leptophallus (Reisinger, 1963) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata macedonica (Stankovic, 1926) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata maculata (Stankovic, 1938) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 42
Phagocata mesorchis preputialis (Livanov & Zabusova, 1940) w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata miyadii Okugawa, 1939 w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata monopharyngea Hyman, 1945 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata morgani (Stevens & Boring, 1906) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Phagocata morgani morgani Stevens & Boring, 1906 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata morgani polycelis (Kenk, 1935) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Phagocata nivea Kenk, 1953 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Phagocata nivea nivea Kenk, 1953 w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata nivea tahoena Kawakatsu, 1968 w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata notadena (de Beauchamp, 1937) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata ochridana (Stankovic & Komarek 1927) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata olivacea (Schmidt, 1861) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata opisthogona (Kenk, 1936) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata oregonensis Hyman, 1963 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Phagocata paravitta (Reisinger, 1923) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata paravittoides (Livanov & Zabusova, 1940) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata pellucida (Ijima & Kaburaki, 1916) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata prosorchis (Kenk, 1937) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata stankovici (Reisinger, 1960) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 43
Phagocata subterranea Hyman, 1937 w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata tahoena Kawakatsu, 1968 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Phagocata teletzkiana (Livanov & Zabusova, 1940) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata teletzkiana longopharyngea (Livanov & Zabusova, 1940) w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata tenella Ichikawa & Kawakatsu, 1963 w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata teshirogi Ichikawa & Kawakatsu, 1962 w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata tigrina (Girard, 1850) w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata uenoi Okugawa, 1939 w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata undulata (Stankovic, 1960) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 43
Phagocata velata (Stringer, 1909) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Phagocata vitta (Duges, 1830) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Phagocata woodworthi Hyman, 1937 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Planaria caeca Duges, 1830 w latest taxonomic authority
Planaria cruciatus Fabricius, 1826 w latest taxonomic authority
Planaria fontana Schrank, 1803 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Planaria fuliginosus Leidy, 1852 w other taxonomic work
Planaria gesserensis Müller, 1784 w latest taxonomic authority
Planaria limacina Fabricius, 1826 w latest taxonomic authority
Planaria rutilans Abildgaard, 1789 w latest taxonomic authority
Planaria torva (Müller, 1773) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Planaria variegata Dalyell, 1853 w latest taxonomic authority
Planariidae Plagnolia Beauchamp & Gourbault, 1964 w latest taxonomic authority
Plagnolia vandeli Beauchamp & Gourbault, 1964 w latest taxonomic authority
Planariidae Polycelis Ehrenberg, 1831 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Planariidae Ijimia Bergendal, 1890 w other taxonomic work
Ijimia cornuta (Johnston, 1822) w latest taxonomic authority
Ijimia felina (Dalyell, 1814) w latest taxonomic authority
Ijimia linkoi (Sabussov, 1901) w latest taxonomic authority
Ijimia oculimarginata (Palombi, 1931) w latest taxonomic authority
Ijimia tenuis Ijima, 1884 w latest taxonomic authority
Ijimia tenuis altaica Livanov & Zabusova, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Ijimia tothi (Mehely, 1927) w latest taxonomic authority
Planariidae Polycelidia Livanov & Zabusova, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelidia eburnea Zabusova, 1970 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelidia koslowi Livanov & Zabusova, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelidia koslowi eburnea (Muth, 1912) w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelidia koslowi koslowi (Zabusov, 1911) w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelidia koslowi tibetica (Zabusov, 1911) w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelidia receptaculosa Livanov & Zabusova, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelidia tibetica (Hyman, 1934) w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis (Polycelis) coronata (Girard, 1891) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Polycelis (Polycelis) coronata borealis Kenk, 1953 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis (Polycelis) coronata brevipenis Kenk, 1972 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Polycelis Rjabuschinskya Zabusov, 1916 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis (Rjabuschinskya) schmidti Zabusov, 1916 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis Sorocelides Zabusova, 1929 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis (Sorocelides) elongata Zabusova, 1936 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis (Sorocelides) eudendrocoeloides Zabusova, 1936 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis alma-atina Zabusova, 1947 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis aurantiacus Panceri, 1875 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis benazzii de Beauchamp, 1955 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis bilinearis Diesing, 1850 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis borellii Vandel, 1921 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis brunnea (Müller, 1773) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis catulus Girard, 1893 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis cormita Hunt, 1948 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis cornuta Johnston, 1822 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis cornuta borellii Vandel, 1921 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis cornuta brunnea Borelli, 1893 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis cornuta fissipara Thienemann, 1949 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis cornuta viganensis Duges, 1830 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis eburnea (Muth, 1912) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis elegans Diesing, 1850 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis eudendrocoeloides Sabussow, 1929 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis eurantron Zabusova, 1936 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis felina (Dalyell, 1814) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis felina borellii Vandel, 1921 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis felina brunnea (Borelli, 1893) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis felina viganensis (Duges, 1830) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis gracilis (Seidl, 1911) w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis hepta Hansen-Melander, Melander & Reynoldsen, 1954 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis ijimai Kaburaki, 1917 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis karafto Ijima & Kaburaki, 1916 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis (Polycelis) koslowi eburnea (Muth, 1912) w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis (Polycelis) koslowi koslowi (Sabussowa, 1911) w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis lactea (Seidl, 1911) w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis linkoi Sabussov, 1901 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis nigra (Müller, 1774) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis nigra brunnea Müller, 1774 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis nigra ehrenbergi Berninger, 1911 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis nigra panniculata Perkins, 1928 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis nigra viganensis Diesing, 1850 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis nigro-fusca Diesing, 1850 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis oculimarginata (Palombi, 1931) w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis pallidus Quatrefage, 1845 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis pallida Diesing, 1850 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis panniculatus Girard, 1893 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis polychroa Girard, 1893 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis polyopis Zabusova, 1936 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis pulla Diesing, 1850 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis receptaculosa (Livanov & Zabusova, 1940) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis relicta (Sabussowa, 1929) w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis sabussowi almaatina (Zabusova, 1947) w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis schulmanii Grimm, 1876 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis sierrensis Kenk, 1973 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis stummeri (Seidl, 1911) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis tasmanica Darwin, 1844 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis tenuis Ijima, 1884 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis tenuis altaica Livanov & Zabusova, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis tothi Mehely, 1927 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis vaginuloides Diesing, 1850 w latest taxonomic authority
Polycelis variabilis Girard, 1850 w latest taxonomic authority
Planariidae Seidlia Zabusov, 1911 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Seidlia almaatina Zabusova, 1947 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Seidlia eurantron Zabusova, 1936 w latest taxonomic authority
Seidlia gracilis Zabusova, 1936 w latest taxonomic authority
Seidlia lactea Zabusova, 1936 w latest taxonomic authority
Seidlia relicta Zabusova, 1936 w latest taxonomic authority
Seidlia sabussowi almaatina Porfirieva, 1960 w latest taxonomic authority
Seidlia sierrensis (Kenk, 1973) w other taxonomic work
Seidlia stummeri Zabusova, 1936 w latest taxonomic authority
Diversibipalium lunatum (Gray, 1831) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Dugesia barbarae Mitchell & Kawakatsu, 1973 w latest taxonomic authority
Dugesia guatemalensis Mitchell & Kawakatsu, 1973 w other taxonomic work
Dugesia typhlomexicana Mitchell & Kawakatsu, 1973 w other taxonomic work
incertae sedis Fasciola Linné, 1758 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola alpina (Dana, 1766) w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola angulata Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola brunnea Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola candida Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola capitata Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola caudata Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola ciliata Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola crenata Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola flaccida Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola fusca Pallas, 1774 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola glauca Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola gulo Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola hepatica (part) Linné, 1758 - latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola lactea Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola lagena Gmelin, 1791 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola minima Schrank, 1776 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola nigra Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola punctata Pallas, 1774 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola punctata Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola quandrangularis Pallas, 1774 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola rosea Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola rubra Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola stagnalis Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola strigata Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola tentaculata Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola torva Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola ventricosa Pallas, 1774 w latest taxonomic authority
Fasciola viridis Müller, 1773 w latest taxonomic authority
incertae sedis Tetracotylus Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Tetracotylus tenax Korotneff, 1912 w latest taxonomic authority
Dendrocoelidae Alaoplana Kenk, 1974 [with synonyms] w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Armilla livanovi Kenk, 1974 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Dendrocoelidae Papilloplana Kenk, 1974 [with synonyms] w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Dendrocoelidae Paraeodendrocoelum Kenk, 1974 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Planaria fusca Kelaart, 1858 w other taxonomic work 47
Dugesia etrusca etrusca Kenk, 1974 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Dendrocoelum maculatum (Stankovic & Komarek, 1927) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 18
Dendrocoelum komareki (Stankovic, 1969) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 17
Dendrocoelum lychnidicum (Stankovic, 1969) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 18
Dendrocoelum ochridense (Stankovic & Komarek, 1927) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 18
Dendrocoelum cruciferum (Stankovic, 1969) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 16
Neppia evelinae Marcus, 1955 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Neppia jeanneli (De Beauchamp, 1913) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Planaria jeanneli Beauchamp, 1913 w other taxonomic work
Euplanaria jeanneli (Beauchamp, 1913) w other taxonomic work
Neppia wimbimba (Marcus, 1970) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Planaria brachycephala Bohmig, 1897 w latest taxonomic authority
Planaria tanganyika Laidlaw, 1906 w other taxonomic work
Planaria venusta Bohmig, 1897 w other taxonomic work
Girardia festai (Borelli, 1898) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Papilloplana zebra Grube, 1872 w latest taxonomic authority
Planariidae Phagocata Leidy, 1847 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Polycelis tibetica Hyman, 1934 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Polycelidia tibetica (Zabusov, 1911) w latest taxonomic authority 57
Planaria gibba Fabricius, 1826 w latest taxonomic authority 48
Polycelis tibetica (Zabusov, 1911) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 57
Catenula gesserensis (Müller, 1774) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 48