Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Prosthiostomum multicelis Hyman, 1953]

Prosthiostomum multicelis Hyman, 1953

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A San Gabriel Bay, Baja California, Estado de Mexico, Mexico 2036
Mar 14, 1949 default type       taken by the Allan Hancock Foundation, shore collecting. Hyman LH (1953): 386
B Puerto Refugio, Baja California, Estado de Mexico, Mexico 2008
Jan 27, 1940 default type       taken by the Allan Hancock Foundation, shore collecting. Hyman LH (1953): 386
C near Santa Catalina Island, California, USA 1973
Aug 4, 1941 default type       taken by the Allan Hancock Foundation, shore collecting. Hyman LH (1953): 386

MAP ALL (3) .

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