Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Prosthiostomum marmoratum Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918]

Prosthiostomum marmoratum Yeri & Kaburaki, 1918

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Japan (Nippon, Yaponiya, Nihon, Japon, Giappone) 4046
1918 or earlier default type         Yeri M, Kaburaki T (1918): abstract
B Mitsui Institute of Marine Biology, Susaki near Simoda, Siduoka Prefecture, Japan 4428
Jun 28, 1935         two specimens. Kato K (1937): 230
C Kanayama (Yuzaki, Yunosaki), Japan 4453
Apr 1937         numerous specimens of this species were collected at Yuzaki. Kato K (1938): 577, 589
D Shirahama-ko (Sirahama Ko), Province of Awa (southern part of Chiba Prefecture), Japan 4427
1944 or earlier           Kato K (1944): 307

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