site |
site # (info) |
collection date |
kind |
depth |
substrate |
salin |
comments |
reference |
A |
Swedish West Coast, mouth of Gullmarsfjord (Gullmarsfjorden), Kristineberg Marine Research Station, Sweden |
map | |
type locality |
20-30 m |
soft bottom |
Lectotype No. 2494, Swedish Museum of Natural History |
Dorjes J (1968): ; from Dorjes & Karling (citation)- p 177 |
B |
Tiefe Rinne, Helgoland Island, Germany |
map | Aug 1963 |
sludge |
Dorjes J (1968): 165; also biogeography and ecology on this and other German Bay species in (citation)- 78-115. |
C |
north harbor (Nordhafen), Helgoland Island, Germany |
map | Aug 1963 |
mud, coarse sand |
Dorjes J (1968): 165; also biogeography and ecology on this and other German Bay species in (citation)- 78-115. |
D |
Gullmarfjord (Blabergsholem, Blåbergsholmen, Blåbärsholmen, Blabarsholmen), western Sweden |
map | prior to 1946 |
default type |
30 m |
mud, clay (Schlamm-Lehmboden) |
no type locality specified, |
Westblad E (1946): 40 |
E |
Gullmarfjord, Bokevik (Bökevik, Bökovik), Sweden |
map | prior to 1946 |
default type |
15-20 m |
strongly mixed sand, clay (stark sandvermischtem Lehmboden) |
no type locality specified, |
Westblad E (1946): 40 |
F |
Gullmarfjord (Bredungen Gullmarsvik), by Blabergsholmen (Blåbergsholmen), western Sweden |
map | |
Dorjes J (1968): |