Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Carcharodorhynchus sp. Fize, 1963]

(Carcharodorhynchus sp. Fize, 1963) = Carcharodorhynchus subterraneus

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A sublittoral sample station #7 (Lister Tief buoy 3), Sylt 418
March, May, July 1984   8 m fine sand     Noldt U (1989): 14
B sublittoral sample station #20 ( Lister Landtief buoy 4 ), Sylt 431
March, May, July 1984   7 m medium sand     Noldt U (1989): 14
C sublittoral sample station #26 (Schweinebucht south Lister Tief buoy 13), Sylt 437
March, May, July 1984   3 m medium sand     Noldt U (1989): 14
D Saint Martin's Island (St. Martins, Saint Martins), Scilly Islands (Sillies, Isles of Scilly), United Kingdom 2801
May 12-16, 2002   sublittoral medium to coarse sand with broken shells   Site 3, Moth's Ledge, 50 cm depth water, exposed at extreme low spring tides. Sediment and aufwuchs settled on Laminaria holdfasts, algae, Porifera and Cnidaria were sampled. Sublittoral samples by SCUBA. Faubel A, Warwick RM (2005): 4
E Kiel Bay (Kieler Bucht, Kieler Bay, Kielerbugt, Nisler Bach), Germany 298
Dec 28, 1967           Schmidt P (1972): 35
F Kiel Bay (Kieler Bucht, Kieler Bay, Kielerbugt, Nisler Bach), Germany 298
Oct 1967           Schmidt P (1972): 35
G inner Königshafen, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3616
May 1982 -Jul 1983     sand   Königshafen. at the eulittoral-supralittoral transition belt of the lentic tidal coast. Strandgebiet im inneren Konigshafen. Dargestellt ist der Bereich zwischen 30 cm über und 30 cm unter der MHWL. Senke. Hellwig M (1987): 177
H Koenigs Bay (Koenigshafens, Konigshafen, Königshafen), Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3620
Jun 1983     medium sand   Königshaften. Zwei Sandufer eines Salzwiesenpriels, -5 bis + 30 cm, Mittelsand. a) strömungsgeschützt, b) stärker exponiert, je 10 x 2 cm2. Hellwig M (1987): 177
I site south of Keitum, Germany 3615
1982-1983     sand     Hellwig M (1987): 177
J Raantem Inge, Rantum, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3614
Feb 1983     medium sand   Rantum. 'Raantem Inge", Strand, Mittelsand, teilweise mit Kies durchsetzt, -20 bis +25 cm, 5 Probestellen zu 10 x 2 cm2. Hellwig M (1987): 177
K Raantem Inge, Rantum, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3614
Sep 1980     mud, sand   Rantum. 'Raantem Inge", Spartina-Inseln auf Schlicksand, 12 x 2.5 cm2. Hellwig M (1987): 177
L Plateau des Chèvres (Chevres), between Ile Jarre (Ile Jarros, Jaire, Jarron) and the coast of France, France 3358
1965 or earlier           Brunet M (1965): 204
M between the Ile de Riou and the Ile de Plane (Calsereigne, Caleseragne), Archipel von Riou, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France 3355
1965 or earlier           Brunet M (1965): 204
N l'archipel de Riou, Golfe de Marseille, France 5050
Jun 14, 1966   70 m     par 70 m de fond, au sud de l'archipel de Riou. Brunet M (1967): 143
O Baie de Cassis, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France 2618
Aug 10, 1966   84 m     par 84 m de fond, dan la baie de Cassis (est de Marseille). Brunet M (1967): 143
P Golfe de Marseille (Marseilles, Marsiglia, Marsella), Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France 2615
Apr 27, 1966   35 m     par 35 m de fond, dans le golfe de Marseille. Brunet M (1967): 143
Q Golfe de Marseille (Marseilles, Marsiglia, Marsella), Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France 2615
Jul 26, 1966   35 m     par 35 m de fond, dans le golfe de Marseille. Brunet M (1967): 143
R eastern shore of Sylt Island, Germany 4552
1970 or earlier         ...besiedeln den Sandstrand am Ostufer von List/Sylt in horizontaler Abfolge vom Sublitoral bis in das Supralitoral. Schilke K (1970): from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 525
S List, Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland (12), Sylt, Germany 6620
1966-1968         Sandhang (leg. Schmidt) Schilke K (1970): 218
T Blidsel-Bucht (15), Sylt, Germany 6623
1966-1968         Sandhang Schilke K (1970): 218
U Kieler Förde (Kieler Fiord, Kiel Firth, Kieler Föhrde), Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 5517
1966-1968           Schilke K (1970): 218
V Strande , Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 5518
1966-1968           Schilke K (1970): 218
W Weissenhaus, Kiel Bay (Kieler Bucht; Kielerbugt; Nisler Bach), Germany 3313
1966-1968           Schilke K (1970): 218

MAP ALL (23) .

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