Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Thylacorhynchus conglobatus Meixner, 1928]

Thylacorhynchus conglobatus Meixner, 1928

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A sublittoral sample station #7 (Lister Tief buoy 3), Sylt 418
May 1983; February, March, May, August 1984   8 m fine sand     Noldt U (1989): 39
B sublittoral sample station #8 (Salzsand s. Lister Tief buoy 3), Sylt 419
May 1983; February, March, May, August 1984   3 m medium sand     Noldt U (1989): 39
C sublittoral sample station #12 (Salzsand south Lister Tief buoy 5), Sylt 423
May 1983; February, March, May, August 1984   4 m medium sand     Noldt U (1989): 39
D sublittoral sample station #21 (middle betwee Lister Landtief buoy 4 and Strand ), Sylt 432
May 1983; February, March, May, August 1984   2 m medium sand     Noldt U (1989): 39
E sublittoral sample station #27 (Lister Tief buoy 13), Sylt 438
May 1983; February, March, May, August 1984   8 m medium sand     Noldt U (1989): 39
F Labö (Laboe), Kiel Bay (Kieler Bucht; Kielerbugt; Nisler Bach), Germany 1358
1927 or earlier type locality   sand     Meixner J (1928): 244
G Stoupe Beck Sand, Robin Hood's Bay, United Kingdom 3114
Aug 27, 1969     sand   Station C, water's edge. Gray JS, Rieger RM (1971): 9
H Stoupe Beck Sand, Robin Hood's Bay, United Kingdom 3114
Aug 27, 1969     sand   Station B, mid-sand. Gray JS, Rieger RM (1971): 9
I Stoupe Beck Sand, Robin Hood's Bay, United Kingdom 3114
Aug 27, 1969     sand   Station A, high pool. Gray JS, Rieger RM (1971): 9
J Filey, Yorkshire, United Kingdom 3115
Sep 2, 1969     sand   sheltered beach. Gray JS, Rieger RM (1971): 14
K Koenigs Bay (Koenigshafens, Konigshafen, Königshafen), Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 491
1985 or earlier     sand   deep sulfide layer at depths of more than 5 cm below the sediment surface. Species found at least 3 times. Scherer B (1985): 122-124
L between Sylt and Romo (Römö), north of Ellenbogen, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3565
Apr-Sep 1982   10-20 m medium-coarse sand   sublittoral sample, north of the island of Sylt, between Römö and Sylt. Wehrenberg C, Reise K (1985): 168-170
M between Sylt and Romo (Römö), north of Ellenbogen, Sylt Island, Germany, North Sea 3565
Apr-Sep 1983   10-20 m medium-coarse sand   sublittoral sample, north of the island of Sylt, between Römö and Sylt. Wehrenberg C, Reise K (1985): 168-170
N eastern shore of Sylt Island, Germany 4552
1968-1970           Hoxhold S (1974): 26
O Plateau des Chèvres (Chevres), between Ile Jarre (Ile Jarros, Jaire, Jarron) and the coast of France, France 5054
1966         station 10. Brunet M (1970): 282
P Finnish Bay (Finnischen Meersbusen), Finland 4056
1950 or earlier         Finnischer Meerbusen. Karling TG (1950): from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 533
Q north Wales coast, United Kingdom 5528
1963 or earlier         Schliesslich schreibt Boaden (1963, p. 196) nach Untersuchungen in Nordwales über T. conglobatus "Penis a cuticular tube without spines or papillae". Boaden PJS (1963): from Ax 2008 (citation)- p. 533
R Tvarminne (Tvärminne, Tverminne, Tvaerminne), Kvarnskar (Kvärnskar), Finnish Bay, Finland 886
1950 or earlier   5 m     Tvärminne, Henriksburg, aus Bodensand von wechselnder Körnergrösse in einer Tiefe von etwa 5 m, spärlich. Karling TG (1950): 16
S Henriksberg, Finland 3299
1950 or earlier   5 m     Tvärminne, Henriksburg, aus Bodensand von wechselnder Körnergrösse in einer Tiefe von etwa 5 m, spärlich. Karling TG (1950): 16
T Westrand (1), Sylt, Germany 6609
1966-1968           Schilke K (1970): 227
U Halbinsel Lister Haken, Ostseite und sog. "Filmwatt" (10), Sylt, Germany 6618
1966-1968         Quellhorizont. Schilke K (1970): 227
V List, Litoralstation der Biologischen Anstalt Helgoland (12), Sylt, Germany 6620
1966-1968         Sandwatt, Sandhang. Schilke K (1970): 227
W List, Sandbank im Wattenmeer östlich List (13), Sylt, Germany 6621
1966-1968         Sandwatt Schilke K (1970): 227
X Braderup (16), Sylt, Germany 6624
1966-1968         Sandwatt Schilke K (1970): 227
Y Waarding-Deel Bucht (24), Sylt, Germany 6632
1966-1968         Sandwatt Schilke K (1970): 227
Z Odde, Nordspitze (7), Amrum, Germany 6644
1966-1968         Sandwatt, Sandhang. Schilke K (1970): 227
A1 Heiligenhafen, Schleswig Holstein Land, Germany 2951
1966-1968           Schilke K (1970): 227
B1 Graswarder, Germany 6657
1966-1968           Schilke K (1970): 227

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