Turbellarian taxonomic database

[Return to listing: Dugesia gonocephala (Duges, 1830)]

Dugesia gonocephala (Duges, 1830)

  site site # (info) collection date kind depth substrate salin comments reference
A Bärschwil (Bärschwyl, Barschwil-Dorf), Switzerland 1958
prior to 1894       freshwater   Fuhrmann O (1894): 218-222
B Augustinerholzes near Basel, Switzerland 1960
prior to 1894       freshwater   Fuhrmann O (1894): 218-222, 287
C Pestani, Macedonia 2224
1935-1937       freshwater in the spring Elesec, about 2 km north of Pestani. Kenk R (1978): 2
D Lake Ohrid (Ohrida See, Ohris, Ohrit, Lychnitis, Ochrida, Ohridsko, Ochridasee, Okhridsko, Akhris), Albania Macedonia border 2222
1960       freshwater from the running waters in the Ohrid region. Stankovic S (1960): ; from Kenk R 1978 (citation)- p. 2
E Illinois River, Illinois, USA 2483
1894-1895 type locality     freshwater 11,664b, Station C; 13,069, Station C. Woodworth WM (1897): 7; stations for the exact location are described in Hart 1895 (citation)- p 150
F People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria (Al-Jaza’ir, L’Etat Algerien, Algérie), Africa 3524
1949 or earlier       freshwater   Beauchamp Pde (1949): ; from Young 1976 (citation)- p. 424
G People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria (Al-Jaza’ir, L’Etat Algerien, Algérie), Africa 3524
1972 or earlier       freshwater   Gremigni V, Banchetti R (1972): ; from Young 1976 (citation)- p. 424
H People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria (Al-Jaza’ir, L’Etat Algerien, Algérie), Africa 3524
1929 or earlier       freshwater   Vandel A (1925): ; from Young 1976 (citation)- p. 424
I Morocco 3534
1920 or earlier       freshwater   Beauchamp Pde (1920): ; from Young 1976 (citation)- p. 424
J Atlas Mountains, Morocco 3537
1920 or earlier       freshwater   Beauchamp Pde (1920): ; from Young 1976 (citation)- p. 424
K Atlas Mountains, Morocco 3537
1932 or earlier       freshwater   Reuter M, Gustafsson M (1996): ; from Young 1976 (citation)- p. 424
L Atlas Mountains, Morocco 3537
1951 or earlier       freshwater   Beauchamp Pde (1951): ; from Young 1976 (citation)- p. 424
M Tunisia 228
1913 or earlier       freshwater   Beauchamp Pde (1913): ; from Young 1976 (citation)- p. 424
N Congo Democratic Republic (Zaire), Africa 3526
1935 or earlier       freshwater   Beauchamp Pde (1936): ; from Young 1976 (citation)- p. 424
O Congo Democratic Republic (Zaire), Africa 3526
1953 or earlier       freshwater   Marcus Er (1953): ; from Young 1976 (citation)- p. 424
P Congo Democratic Republic (Zaire), Africa 3526
1953 or earlier       freshwater   Happold DCD (1961): ; from Young 1976 (citation)- p. 424
Q Parc National de l’Upemba, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) 3536
Apr 13,1948         1,750 m. Bwalo, affl. g. Muye et sous-affl. dr. Lufira, 1,750 m, pH 6, temp. 20 degrees. Marcus Er (1953): 5, 6
R Parc National de l’Upemba, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) 3536
Apr 14,1948         Buye-Bala, affl. g. Muye et sous-affl. dr. Lufira, 1,750 m, pH 6. Marcus Er (1953): 5, 6
S Parc National de l’Upemba, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) 3536
Apr 14,1948         Lubanga, tete de source (pres de Buye-Bala), 1,750 m, pH 6. Marcus Er (1953): 5, 6
T Parc National de l’Upemba, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) 3536
Apr 15,1948         Katongo, affl. g. Mubale et sous-affl. g. Munte, 1,750 m, pH 5, 5-6, temp 19 degrees. Marcus Er (1953): 5, 6
U Parc National de l’Upemba, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) 3536
Apr 18,1948         Dipwa, affl. g. Kalumengongo et sous-affl. dr. Lualaba, 1,730-1,830 m. Marcus Er (1953): 5, 6
V Parc National de l’Upemba, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) 3536
May 20,1948         Lupiala (riv.), affl. dr. Lufira, 1,470 m, pH 6, temp. 19.0 degrees. Marcus Er (1953): 5, 6
W Parc National de l’Upemba, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) 3536
May 22,1948         Kamesia, affl. dr. Muye et sous-affl. dr. Lufira, 1,550 m. Marcus Er (1953): 5, 6
X Parc National de l’Upemba, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) 3536
Mar 18,1949         Pelenge, affl. g., 1,250 m, pH 6.6, temp. 19.8 m. 2 immature Dugesia gonocephala Marcus Er (1953): 5, 6
Y Parc National de l’Upemba, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) 3536
Apr 16-22,1949         Kaziba, riv. Lubanga, 1,150 m, pH 7, temp. 19.1 m. one immature Dugesia gonocephala Marcus Er (1953): 6
Z Parc National de l’Upemba, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire) 3536
Jul 14,1949         Lukoka, affl. g. Lufira (embouchure), 750 m, pH 7.9, temp. 21.3 degrees. One immature specimen. Marcus Er (1953): 6
A1 Zone de Kabare, Democratic Republic of the Congo 3686
Apr 8, 1949         Source d'Isingo, territ. Kabare. Beauchamp Pde (1951): 96
B1 Zone de Kabare, Democratic Republic of the Congo 3686
Apr 21, 1949         Lubindu, territ. Kabare. Beauchamp Pde (1951): 96
C1 Iron Gates (Trecatori Portile de Fier, La Cazane, Dealul Klisura, Klissura Derdap, Iron Gate of the Danube, Gvozdena Vrata, Eisenernes Tor, Vaskapu), Romania 3730
2004 or earlier         Iron Gates II damlake Nastasescu M, Popescu-Marinescu V (2004): abstract
D1 Belgium 2626
1911-1935       freshwater   Oye EL van (1941): abstract
E1 Valle di Susa, Piedmont (Piemonte, Pedemontium, Pedemons), Italy 3839
1933 or earlier       freshwater Piedmont streams, including streams in the Susa and Lanzo valleys. Benazzi M (1933): abstract
F1 Piedmont (Piemonte, Pedemontium, Pedemons), Italy 3838
1933 or earlier       freshwater Piedmont streams, including streams in the Susa and Lanzo valleys. Benazzi M (1933): abstract
G1 old Yugoslavia (Jugoslavia) 3836
1934 or earlier           Beauchamp Pde (1934): abstract
H1 Macedonia 3841
1934 or earlier           Beauchamp Pde (1934): abstract
I1 Retezat (Retiezat, Retezatul) Mountains, Romania 2577
1934 or earlier       freshwater found at 600-960 m altitude. Lepsi J (1934): abstract
J1 Godeanu (Godianu) Mountains, Romania 3858
1934 or earlier       freshwater found at 393-1235 m altitude. Lepsi J (1934): abstract
K1 Budapest, Hungary (Ungarn) 3863
1930 or earlier       freshwater found in cold springs near Budapest, Hungary. Abraham A, Moedlinger G (1930): abstract
L1 Matra Mountains, Hungary (Ungarn) 3868
1930 or ealier         springs and creeks. Abraham A, Moedlinger G (1930): abstract
M1 Ojcow, Poland 3870
1930 or earlier       freshwater springs. Roszkowski W (1930): abstract
N1 High Tatra Mountains (Central Carpathians) 3891
1926 or earlier       freshwater southern part of the High Tatra Mts., the Szepeser Magura, and in the Tatras. Modlinger G (1926): abstract
O1 Ajaccio, France 3895
1926 or earlier         swampy habitats near Ajaccio. Common in larger brooks. Arndt W (1926): abstract
P1 Altkonig moutains, Hessen Land, Germany 4003
1892 or earlier       freshwater   Voigt W (1892): abstract
Q1 Siebengebirge mountains, Nordrhein-Westfalen Land, Germany 4004
1892 or earlier       freshwater   Voigt W (1892): abstract
R1 Feldberg mountains, Bayern Land, Germany 4005
1892 or earlier       freshwater   Voigt W (1892): abstract
S1 Rügen Island (Rugia), Germany 4027
1908 or earlier         introduced? Thienemann A (1908): abstract
T1 Dundo, Angola 5546
Dec 27, 1947         Dundo, dans une regole d'eau presque sans courant, chauffée par le soleil. Beauchamp Pde (1951): 80
U1 Luachimo (Rio Luachime, Longtshimo), Angola 5547
Mar 1949         Dundo, rive de la Luachimo, dans l'eau peu profonde à fond sableux tapissé de Cyanophycées et d'herbes aquatiques.. Beauchamp Pde (1951): 80
V1 Luachimo, Angola 5544
Feb 22, 1948         Environs de Dundo, sous-affluent de la rive droite de la Luachimo. Beauchamp Pde (1951): 80
W1 Serra do Moco, Luimbale, Angola 5548
Sep 7, 1949         Serra do Moco, Luimbale, 70 km. au NO. de Nova Lisboa, alt. 2.300 m.; sous des pierres, dans un ruisseau d'une galerie forestière. Beauchamp Pde (1951): 80
X1 Planalto da Humpata, Angola 5550
Sep 19, 1949         Boca da Humpata, environs de Sá da Bandeira, alt. 1.900 m.; sous des pierres quartzitiques, dans le ruisseau parallèle à la route qui monte de Sà da Bandeira vers le plateau de Humpata. Beauchamp Pde (1951): 81
Y1 Lubango (Sá da Bandeira), Angola 5551
Sep 19, 1949         Boca da Humpata, environs de Sá da Bandeira, alt. 1.900 m.; sous des pierres quartzitiques, dans le ruisseau parallèle à la route qui monte de Sà da Bandeira vers le plateau de Humpata. Beauchamp Pde (1951): 81
Z1 Lubango (Sá da Bandeira), Angola 5551
Sep 22, 1949         Senhora do Monte, Sá da Bandeira, alt. 1.800 m.; sous des pierres et dans la paroi mouillée de la cascade. Beauchamp Pde (1951): 81
A2 Lubango (Sá da Bandeira), Angola 5551
Sep 25, 1949         50 km. au SE. de Sá da Bandeira, à la bifurcation Jau-Ongueria de la route Chibia-Jau, dans un ruisseau courant sous une galerie forestière, alt. 1.500 m.. Beauchamp Pde (1951): 81
B2 Conda, Angola 5552
Nov 14, 1949         Conda, Vila Nova de Seles, 50 km., à l'E. de Novo Redondo, dans un ruisseau terrentiel de la forêt «laurisilva»; alt, 850 m. Beauchamp Pde (1951): 81
C2 Mount Kenya, Kenya, Africa 3509
Feb 1912         ruisseau dans les prairies alpines, pres du camp IV (alt. 4000 m), st. nº 45. Beauchamp Pde (1913): 4
D2 Mount Kenya, Kenya, Africa 3509
Jan 1912         Source Campbell, pres du camp III (alt. 3.650 m), st. nº 43. Beauchamp Pde (1913): 4
E2 Mount Kenya, Kenya, Africa 3509
Jan 1912         Torrent du camp II, en foret de bambous (alt. 2,870 m), st. nº 41. Beauchamp Pde (1913): 4
F2 Klipriver (Klip River), South Africa 6740
1951 or earlier         Transvaal in South Africa (Dolomitic Spring at Fountains, Pretoria, and the Klip River; alt. 1800-2000 m) Marcus Er (1955): from Kawakatsu 1972 (citation)- p. 65
G2 Makheka (Makheko), Kingdom of Lesotho (Territory of Basutoland, South Africa) 6741
1951 or earlier         Basutoland in South Africa (the Makheko Mountains; alt. 2600-3050 m) Marcus Er (1955): from Kawakatsu 1972 (citation)- p. 65
H2 Tsitsikamma Nasionale Park (Zitzikama, Tzitzikama Forest), Stormsriver, Cape Province, South Africa 3676
1951 or earlier         Cape Province in South Africa (Tzitzikama Forest, Stormsrivierpiek, at medium altitude) Marcus Er (1955): from Kawakatsu 1972 (citation)- p. 65
I2 Kunming, Yunnan, China 6753
1956 or earlier       freshwater widely distributed in Kunming and its vicinity. We collected and recorded at 7 places: Tsuei-Hu, Haiyuanshi, Takuan-Lo, Hsishan (West Mountain), Heilung-Tan, Peilung-Tan and Chêng-Kung. Huang C, Tu TJ (1956): from Kawakatsu & Liu 1987 (citation) 41
J2 Meitan, China 6755
1950 or earlier         two localities (Meitan, Kui-Chou Shêng in the south-central area and Hangchow, Hsi-Chiang Shêng in the southeastern area). Chow PS, Kiang HM (1950): from Kawakatsu & Liu 1987 (citation)- p. 41
K2 Hangzhou (Hangchow), China 6756
1950 or earlier         two localities (Meitan, Kui-Chou Shêng in the south-central area and Hangchow, Hsi-Chiang Shêng in the southeastern area). Chow PS, Kiang HM (1950): from Kawakatsu & Liu 1987 (citation)- p. 41
L2 Anju-si, P’yŏngan-namdo, North Korea 6758
1938 or earlier         Anju, Pyeongan Nam Do (Tu's data) Kawakatsu M, Liu D-Z (1987): 42
M2 Yang-dong (Yangdeog), P’yŏngan-namdo, North Korea 6759
1938 or earlier         Yangdoeg, Pyeongan Nam Do (Tu's data) Kawakatsu M, Liu D-Z (1987): 42
N2 Fouhsi, near P’yŏnggang (Pyonggang), Kangwŏn-do (Gang Bug Do), North Korea 6760
1938 or earlier         Fouhsi, near Pyonggang (Tu's data) Kawakatsu M, Liu D-Z (1987): 42
O2 Shanxi Sheng (Shan-Hsi Shêng), China 6777
1950 or earlier         from several localities (Hêngshichên, Henglingkuan, Uüchuchên, Tungkou, Chiehtsun, and Taihsien) in Shan-Hsi Shêng. [Dugesia japonica japonica]- see Kawakatsu & Liu 1987. Kato K (1950): and Kawakatsu & Lue 1984 (citation) 107; from Kawakatsu & Liu 1987 (citation)- p. 44
P2 Taiwan (Formosa) 5923
1937 or earlier       freshwater   Okugawa KI (1937-1938): Miyadi & Okugawa 1937 (citation); from Kawakatsu & Iwaki 1968 (citation)- p. 129

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