Turbellarian taxonomic database

Collecting site

Ohrid Bay, Lake Ohrid, Macedonia

latitude: 41.104919     41°6'17.71"N
longitude: 20.80789     20°48'28.4"E

[Precision of location: gauged from chart or map]
[Site Named Here by name of island, bay, strait, lake, river, or stream, etc., named in source publication]

Collected here:

Phagocata maculata (Stankovic, 1938)prior to 193225-30 mshell zone8 specimens, Ohrid Bay.
Phagocata maculata (Stankovic, 1938)1935-193718-30 mshell zone20 specimens dredged.
Phagocata undulata (Stankovic, 1960)Aug 193716-26 mshell zone32 specimens dredged in Ohrid Bay at depths between 16 and 26 m in the shell zone of the sublittoral.
Dendrocoelum maculatum (Stankovic & Komarek, 1927)prior to 19310-10 moccasionally found in the lower littoral (Chara zone) in Ohrid Bay.
Phagocata ochridana (Stankovic & Komarek 1927)1935-1937in Ohrid Bay.
Dendrocoelum magnum (Stankovic, 1969)1935-193716-26 mshell zonespecimens collected in summer in the shell zone of Ohrid Bay (at depth from 16 to 26 m) were sexually mature.
Dendrocoelum decoratum Kenk, 19781935-193716-36 mlives in the sublittoral (shell zone) and profundal zones of Lake Ohrid. A total of about 25 specimens were collected in the summers of 1935 and 1937, all in Ohrid Bay.
Dendrocoelum decoratum Kenk, 19781935-193737-90 mlives in the sublittoral (shell zone) and profundal zones of Lake Ohrid. A total of about 25 specimens were collected in the summers of 1935 and 1937, all in Ohrid Bay.
Dendrocoelum dorsivittatum Kenk, 1978Sep 193547-55 mtwo individuals of Dendrocoelum dorsivittatum were dredged in the profundal zone of Lake Ohrid, in Ohrid Bay, on a bottom consisting of soft and hardened mud with few empty Dreissena shells.
Dendrocoelum lychnidicum (Stankovic, 1969)Aug 193716-26 mshell zoneabout 10 specimens collected in the Ohrid Bay by dredging in the shell zone of the sublittoral. The animals are comparitively rare and can easily be overlooked because of their small size and slow movements,.
Dendrocoelum ochridense (Stankovic & Komarek, 1927)1935-193710-36 msummer months in Ohrid Bay on Chara (10-15 m depth) and in the shell zone (15-36 m) by dredging and using meat bait.
Dendrocoelum minimum Kenk, 19781935-193730-52 muncommon species, though it may easily be overlooked on account of its size. Only four mature specimens were taken, all in Ohrid Bay, below the shell zone.
Dendrocoelum albidum Kenk, 19781935-193716-30 mdredged in the shell zone. Both mature and young individuals were taken. This species seems to be rather common in the shell zone but is easily overlooked on account of its small size.
Dendrocoelum translucidum Kenk, 1978Sep 193540-90 mlives in the profundal zone of Lake Ohrid. A total of about 60 specimens, the majority of them sexually mature, were dredged in September 1935 in Ohrid Bay.
Dendrocoelum cruciferum (Stankovic, 1969)1935-193716-29 mOnly 11 specimens (9 immature and 2 mature) were collected in Ohrid Bay by dredging from 16 to 29 m, on on bait (meat and dead fish) at 28 m. This species is rapaceous and presumably preys on other triclads that abound in the sublittoral zone.
Dendrocoelum lacteum (Müller, 1773)prior to 1938found an individual of this species on a specimen of a sponge, Ochridaspongia rotunda, dredged in Ohrid Bay.
Dendrocoelum lacteum (Müller, 1773)1935-193716-30 mcollected in Ohrid Bay at depths ranging from 16-30 m.
Dendrocoelum lacteum (Müller, 1773)1935-193747-90 moccurs in the profundal zone.

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