Turbellarian taxonomic database

author date   title journal / publication
Hyman LH 1955    A further study of the polyclad flatworms of the West Indian region. Bull Mar Sci Gulf Caribb 5:259-268
Typhloplanidae Phaenocorinae Wahl, 1910 w latest taxonomic authority
Otomesostomidae Otomesostoma Graff, 1882 w latest taxonomic authority
Typhloplanidae Mesostominae Hyman, 1955 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Mesostoma vernale Hyman, 1955 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Boninia antillarum (Hyman, 1955) - primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Prostheceraeus zebra Hyman, 1955 - primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Pseudoceros texanus Hyman, 1955 - primary taxonomic authority (describer) 264-266, Figs. 5, 6
Pseudoceros virescens Hyman, 1955 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Amaga buergeri (Busson, 1903) w other taxonomic work
Ilyplanidae Anandroplana Hyman, 1955 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Ilyplanidae Crassandros Hyman, 1955 w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Prostheceraeus zebra Hyman, 1955 [with synonyms] w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Pseudoceros texanus Hyman, 1955 [with synonyms] w primary taxonomic authority (describer)
Notoplana ferruginea Schmarda, 1859 w other taxonomic work 260-261, Fig. 1
Pericelis orbicularis (Schmarda, 1859) w other taxonomic work 261-263, Fig. 2, 3, 4
Enchiridium periommatum Bock, 1913 - other taxonomic work 267-268