Turbellarian taxonomic database

author date   title journal / publication
Martens EE, Schockaert ER 1985 index card avail.
Studies on the ultrastructure of the genital organs in Proseriata (Turbellaria). I. Cirrifera aculeata (Ax) (Coelogynoporidae). Zool. Scripta 14(2):81-90.
Cirrifera aculeata (Ax, 1951) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Cirrifera cirrifera Sopott, 1972 w latest taxonomic authority
Coelogynopora alata Tajika, 1981 w latest taxonomic authority
Coelogynopora falcaria Ax & Sopott-Ehlers, 1979 w latest taxonomic authority
Coelogynopora nodosa Ax & Sopott-Ehlers, 1979 w latest taxonomic authority
Coelogynopora solifer Sopott, 1972 w latest taxonomic authority
Ezona habomaiensis Tajika, 1980 w latest taxonomic authority
Ezona pinnigera Tajika, 1980 w latest taxonomic authority
Vannuccia campana Ehlers & Ehlers, 1980 w latest taxonomic authority
Vannuccia rotundouncinata Ax & Sopott-Ehlers, 1979 w latest taxonomic authority
Vannuccia tripapillosa Tajika, 1977 w latest taxonomic authority