author | date | title | journal / publication |
Achatz JG, Gschwentner R, Rieger R | 2005 | Symsagittifera smaragdina sp. nov.: a new acoel (Acoela: Acoelomorpha) from the Mediterranean Sea. | Zootaxa 1085: 33-45 |
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Bode A, Salvenmoser W, Nimeth K, Mahlknecht M, Adamski Z, Rieger RM, Peter R, Ladurner P | 2006 | Immunogold-labeled S-phase neoblasts, total neoblast number, their distribution, and evidence for arrested neoblasts in Macrostomum lignano (Platyhelminthes, Rhabditophora) | Cell and Tissue Research 325(3): 577-587 [doi: 10.1007/s00441-006-0196-2 goto] |
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Gschwentner R, Mueller J, Ladurner P, Rieger R, Tyler S | 2003 | Unique patterns of longitudinal body-wall musculature in the Acoela (Plathelminthes): the ventral musculature of Convolutriloba longifissura. | Zoomorphology 122:87-94 |
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Haszprunar G, Rieger RM, Schuchert P | 1991 | Extant "problematica" within or near the Metazoa. In: Conway-Morris S, Simonetta A, eds, The early evolution of the Metazoa and the significance of problematic taxa. | Cambridge Univ Press, pp 99-105 |
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Ladurner P, Mair G, Rieger R, Salvenmoser W | 1993 | Immunozytochemische Darstellung von Serotonin im Nervensystem von Macrostomum hystricinum marinum (Turbellaria). | Abstr 3. Symp Neurobiol, Ibk 1993: 54. |
Ladurner P, Mair GR, Reiter D, Salvenmoser W, Rieger RM | 1997 | Serotonergic nervous system of two macrostomid species: recent or ancient divergence? | Invertebr Biol 116: 178-191 |
Ladurner P, Pfister D, Seifarth C, Schärer L, Mahlknecht M, Salvenmoser W, Gerth R, Rieger R | 2005 | Production of cell- and tissue-specific monoclonal antibodies for the flatworm Macrostomum sp. | Histochemistry and Cell Biology 123: 89-104 |
Ladurner P, Reiter D, Riedl D and Rieger RM | 1998 | Stem cells in turbellarian development, growth, and regeneration. (Abstract). | Dev. Biol.; 198: 209. |
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Ladurner P, Schärer L, Salvenmoser W, Rieger RM | 2005 | A new model organism among the lower Bilateria and the use of digital microscopy in taxonomy of meiobenthic Platyhelminthes: Macrostomum lignano,n.sp. (Rhabditophora, Macrostomorpha). | J Zool Syst Evol Res 43:114-126 |
Legniti A, Rieger RM, Haszprunar G | 1989 | Cellular components in the acoelomate body cavity in the hatchling and the adult of Macrostomum hystricinum (Turbellaria, Macrostomida). | Eur. J. Cell Biol. Suppl 27 49:55 (Abstract). |
Morris J, Ladurner P, Rieger R, Pfister D, De Miguel-Bonet M, Jacobs D, Hartenstein V | 2006 | The Macrostomum lignano EST database as a molecular resource for studying platyhelminth development and phylogeny. | Dev Genes Evol 216:695-707 |
Morris J, Nallur R, Ladurner P, Egger B, Rieger R, Hartenstein V | 2004 | The embryonic development of the flatworm Macrostomum sp. | Dev Genes Evol 214:220-239 |
Nimeth K, Ladurner P, Gschwentner R, Salvenmoser W, Rieger R | 2002 | Cell renewal and apoptosis in Macrostomum sp. [Lignano]. | Cell Biol Internat 26:801-815 |
Nimeth KT, Egger B, Rieger R, Salvenmoser W, Peter R, Gschwentner R | 2006 | Regeneration in Macrostomum lignano (Platyhelminthes): cellular dynamics in the neoblast stem cell system | Cell and Tissue Research 327(3): 637-646 [doi: 10.1007/s00441-006-0299-9 goto] |
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Peter R, Ladurner P, Rieger R | 2001 | The role of stem cell strategies in coping with environmental stress and choosing between alternative reproductive modes: Turbellaria rely on a single cell type to maintain individual life and propagate species. | Mar Ecol P S Z N I 22 (1-2):35-51 |
Powell EN, Crenshaw MA, Rieger RM | 1980 | Adaptations to sulfide in sulfide-system meiofauna. Endproducts of sulfide detoxification in three turbellarians and a gastrotrich. | Mar Ecol Prog Ser 2:169-177 |
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Schärer L, Ladurner P, Rieger RM | 2004 | Bigger testes do work more: experimental evidence that testis size reflects testicular cell proliferation activity in the marine invertebrate, the free-living flatworm Macrostomum sp. | Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 56: 420-425 |
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Westheide W, Rieger RM | 2007 | Systematik-Poster: Zoologie. 2. Auflage. | Spektrum Akademischer Verlag. |
125 publications found in database. (Max listing set to 500)