History of
  Turbellarian Research
      compiled by Steve Schilling

Hannes An Der Lan

full name: Hannes An Der Lan
name as it appears in literature list: An der Lan H
foreign spelling in taxonomic list:
year of birth: 1909
year of death: 1982
research specialty:
last update:2013-03-27 12:00:35

List publications of An d (whose author list includes string "An d").

List turbellarian taxa described by An der Lan (whose authority includes string "An der Lan").

List collecting sites ascribed to An der Lan (whose authority includes string "An der Lan").

  date author title description link rank
details 1983 Janetschek H In memoriam ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. phil. Hannes an der Lan 1909-1982.