History of
  Turbellarian Research
      compiled by Steve Schilling
Listing of publications with author Hauser J
author date title journal / publication
Benya EGF, Leal-Zanchet AM, Hauser J 2017 Polyploidy as a chromosomal component of stochastic noise: variable scalar multiples of the diploid chromosome complement in the invertebrate species Girardia schubarti from Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 77(4): 745-751
Benya EGF, Leal-Zanchet AM, Santos WH, Hauser J, Erdtmann B 2007 Polyploidy as a chromosomal component of stochastic noise: variable scalar multiples of the diploid chromosome complement in the invertebrate species Girardia schubarti from Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology, 67(4):951-955 Supplement
[doi: 10.1590/S1519-69842007000500021
de Campos-Velho NMR, Lopes KAR, Hauser J 2004 Morphometry of the eyes in regenerant of genus Dugesia (Platyhelminthes, Turbellaria, Dugesiidae). Brazilian Journal of Biology, Volume 64(1): 1-9
De Souza TM, Hauser J 1984 The growing of the regenerating heads of the Dugesia schubarti. Acta Biol Leopold 6:97-114
Hauser J 1953 Zur Rheophilie von Planaria alpina. Zool Anz 151:73-74
Hauser J 1953 Zur Fixierung und Konservierung von Turbellarien. Mikroskopie Bd 8:3-4
Hauser J 1956 Beitrage zur Turbellariehistologie: Untersuchungen ueber die histologische Struktur des Trikladenpharynx. Rev Brazil Biol 16(1):37-58
Hauser J 1956 Histologische Umbauvorgänge im Planariendarm bei der Nahrungsaufnahme. Mikroskopie Wien & Muenchen 11(1-2):20-31
Hauser J 1962 Zur Frühentwicklung der Prorhynchiden. Diss. Inst. Zool. Univ. Innsbruck, 64 pp.
Hauser J 196? Contribution to the histology of the Turbellaria: the histological structure of the creep-sole of Bipalium kewense. [Biol Abstr 32337, 1968] Pesquisas Zool 19-1-23
Hauser J 1979 Modificacoes morfologicas nos olhos de Dugesia schubarti (Marcus, 1964) durante a formacao da nova cabeca. Acta Biol Leopoldensia 1,1(2):237-262.
Hauser J 1980 Onde Fica "a forca do gradiente axial"? Acta Biol Leopoldensia 2:103-112.
Hauser J 1980 Morfologia do tubo digestivo em regenerantes. Acta Biol Leopoldensia 2:39-57.
Hauser J 1980 Onde fica "a forca do gradiente axial"? Acta Biol Leopoldensia, 2: 103-112
Hauser J 1982 Veränderungen der Morphologie regenerierender Teilstücke von Crenobia alpina. Acta Biol Leopoldensia 4:3-16.
Hauser J 1982 Veranderungen der morphologie regenerierender teilstucke von Crenobia alpina. Acta Biologica Leopoldensia 4:3-16.
Hauser J 1982 Morphogenesis of regenerating fragments of Dugesia schubarti (Turbellaria Tricladida) Exp. Cell Biol. 50.
Hauser J 1983 II Teil: Neuere Untersuchungen an Regenerations-Prozessen von Teilstücken von Dugesia gonocephala. Acta Biologica Leopoldensia Ano V:31-36.
Hauser J 1984 The fundamental problem of the cell changes during the regeneration. Acta Biol Leopoldensia 6:115-124.
Hauser J 1985 Self-division: suicide or reproduction? Acta Biol Leopoldensia 7:175-182
Hauser J 1986 Warum tiere Koepfen? Grundprobleme des Regenerationsvorganges bei Planarien und die Parallele zum Krebsproblem. In: Beck H, Sobotta J (eds), Brasilien--die Neue Welt. Koska, Vienna pp 3-16
Hauser J 1987 Sexualization of Dugesia anderlani by feeding. Acta Biol Leopoldensia 9:111-128
Hauser J 1987 Estudo morfologico das differentes fases do desenvolvimento de cabecas amputadas de Dugesia schubarti (Marcus 1946). Acta Biologica Leopoldensia 9(2):147-162
Hauser J 1987 Olhos irregulares em regenerantes autotomizados de Dugesia anderlani Kawakatsu et Hauser, 1983. Acta Biologica Leopoldensia 9(2):319-334
Hauser J 1990 Transformacoes das celulas de Dugesia anderlani Kawakatsu et Hauser, 1983, sexuada por alimentacao. I. Formaco dos vetelarios. Acta Biol Leopolden 12:203-242
Hauser J 1991 Regeneration and the relationship between regeneration and development of cancerous tumors. Hydrobiologia 227:71.
Hauser J, Da Silveira SMO, Friedrich SG 1979 Etudes preliminaires sur les modifications morphologiques des regenerants de Dugesia schubarti (Marcus, 1946) (Turbellaria, Tricladida). Acta Biol Leopoldensia 1:5-15.
Hauser J, Dias MI, Gehrke-Friedrich S 1980 Processos histomorfologicos na regeneracao em uma cauda de Dugesia schubarti (Marcus, 1946). Acta Biol Leopoldensia 2:183-196.
Hauser J, Friedrich SMG 1982 Morphogenesis of regenerating fragments of Dugesia schubarti (Turbellaria tricladia). Exp Cell Biol 50: 61-71
Hauser J, Friedrich SMG, Dias MI 1976 Morphallaktische Vorgange bei der Regeneration von Bipalium kewense Moseley (Turbellaria: Tricladida). Berichte naturw-med Ver Innsbruck , Volume:63: 165-175
Hauser J, Gehrke-Friedrich MIDES 1980 Processos histomorfologicos na regeneracao em uma cauda de Dugesia schubarti (Marcus, 1946). Acta Biol Leopoldensia, 2: 183-196
Hauser J, Heller Z 1983 Augenmorphologie von Crenobia alpina (Dana, 1976) -- (Turbellaria, Tricladida). Acta Biologica Leopoldensia 5:209-220.
Hauser J, Heller Z 1986 Pigmentacao dos olhos de regenerantes Dugesia schubarti (Marcus, 1946) (Tricladida Paludicola). Acta Biol Leopoldensia 8:305-308
Hauser J, Kawakatsu M 1987 Olhos irregulares em regenerantes autotomizados de Dugesia anderlani. Acta Bil. Leo. Ano 9, #2:319-334
Hauser J, Maurmann E 1959 Studien ueber die Bewegungen des Genus Geoplana. [Studies on the movements of the genus Geoplana (Turbellaria terricola). Pesquisas (Posrto Alegre) (3):631-646
Hauser J, Santos WH 1985 Studies of the regeneration in the Dugesia anderlani Kawakatsu et Hauser, 1983. Part II -- Regeneration of different parts. Acta Biol Leopoldensia 7:197-216
Hauser J, Santos WH 1985 Janus head is really possible! Acta Biol Leopoldensia 7:225-244
Hauser J, Santos WH 1985 Studies of regeneration in the Dugesia anderlani Kawakatsu et Hauser, 1983. I. Part -- Regeneration of the amputated head. Morphologicalstudy. Acta Biol Leopoldensia 7:163-174
Hauser J, Silveira S, de Paula C 1979 Morphometrische Arbeiten mit Hilfe der Lupenphotographie. [Morphometric analysis by means of binocular stereomicroscopy]. Mikroskopie, 35: 207-212
Hauser J, Silveira SMO da, Carvalho IM de 1979 Observations on the regeneration rhythm of a new head in different regions of the body of Dugesia schubarti. Acta Biol Leopoldensia 1,1(2):226-236.
Heller ZT, Hauser J 1984 Relation between size of cocoons of Dugesia schubarti and number and size of ecloded babys. Manuscript
Heller ZT, Hauser J 1984 Comparative study of the outer morphology of just ecloded and adult animals of Dugesia schubarti (Marcus, 1946). Manuscript
Kawakatsu M, Hauser J, Freidrich SMG, Oki I, Tamura S, Yamayoshi T 1983 Morphological, karyological and taxonomic studies of freshwater planarians from South Brazil. IV. Dugesia anderlani sp. nov. (Turbellaria, Tricladida, Paludicola), a nes species from sao Leopoldo in E Annot Zool Japon 56:196-208.
Kawakatsu M, Hauser J, Friedrich SJ, Friedrich SM 1980 Morphological, Karyological and taxonomic studies of freshwater planarians from south Brazil. I. A history of those studies and a list of localities in the vicinities of Sao Leopoldo. Bull Fuji Women's Coll 18 Ser II:129-151.
Kawakatsu M, Hauser J, Friedrich SJ, Friedrich SM 1983 Morphological, karyological and taxonomic studies of freshwater planarians from South Brazil. V. Dugesia schubarti (Marcus, 1946) from the vicinity of Sao Paulo. Bull Fuji Women's College 21 Ser II:147-163.
Kawakatsu M, Hauser J, Friedrich SMG 1985 Morphological, karyological and taxonomic studies of freshwater planarians from south Brazil VII. Supplementary notes on Dugesia schubarti (Marcus, 1946) from the vicinity of Sao Leopoldo, Estado de Bull Fuji Women's College No 23 Ser II: 101-109
Kawakatsu M, Hauser J, Friedrich SMG 1986 Morphological, karyological and taxonomic studies of freshwater planarians from south Brazil VIII. Four Dugesia species (D. tigrina, D. schubarti, D. anderlani, and D. arndti) collected from several l Bull Fuji Women's College Series 2: 41-62, Supplement No. 24
Kawakatsu M, Hauser J, Friedrich SMG, Lima OS 1982 Morphological, karyological and taxonomic studies of freshwater planarians from south Brazil. III. Dugesia tigrina (Girard, l850) and Dugesia schubarti (Marcus, l946) from the vicinities of Sao Car... Bull. Fuji Women's College #20, Ser.2:73-90.
Kawakatsu M, Hauser J, Friedrich SMG, Oki I, Tamura S, Yamayoshi T 1983 Morphological, karyological and taxonomic studies of freshwaterplanarians from South Brazil. IV. Dugesia anderlani sp. nov. (Turbellaria, Tricladida, Paludicola), a new species from Sao Leopoldo in Estado de Rio Grande do Sul. Annot Zool Japon 56: 196-208
Kawakatsu M, Hauser J, Ponce de Leon R 1992 Freshwater planarians from Uruguay and Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Dugesia ururiograndeana sp. n. and Dugesia tigrina (Girard, 1850) (Turbellaria: Tricladida: Paludicola). Bull Biogeogr Soc Jap 47:33-50
Kawakatsu M, Oki I, Tamura S, Yamayoshi T, Hauser J, Friedrich SMG 1984 Morphological, karyological and taxonomic studies of freshwater planarians from south Brazil. VI. Dugesia schubarti (Marcus, 1946) from the vicinity of Sao Leopoldo, estado de Rio Grande do Sul (Turb- Bull Fuji Wom Coll 22 II:45-62
Kawakatsu M, Oki, Tamura S, Yamayoshi T, Hauser J, Friedrich SMG 1981 Morphological, karyological and taxonomic studies of freshwater planarians from South Brazil. II. Dugesia tigrina (Girard, 1850). Bull. Fuji Women\'s Coll 19, II: 113-136
Leal-Zanchet AM, Hauser J 1999 Penis glands of the dugesiid planarian Girardia schubarti (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Paludicola). Invertebrate Biology, Vol 118(1): 35-41
[doi: 10.2307/3226910
Mombrum de Carvalho I, Hauser J, Friedrich SMG 1975 Lichtmikroskopische Praparationsmethoden zur Darstellung der Basalmembran bei Geoplana carlnata Riester (Turbellaria Tricladida). Mikroskopie, Volume:31(11-12): 323-332
Santos WH, Hauser J 1984 Irregular formations in the Dugesia schubarti (Marcus, 1946) regenerating process. A contribution to the problem of the axial gradient theory. Acta Biol Leopoldensia 6:231-240
Sluys R, Hauser J, Wirth QJ 1997 Deviation from the groundplan: a unique new species of freshwater planarian from south Brazil (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Paludicola). Journal of Zoology (London) 241(3):593-601
[doi: 10.1111/j.1469-7998.1997.tb04851.x
Souza T, Hauser J 1984 The growing of regenerating heads of the Dugesia schubarti. Acta Biol Leopoldensia 6(1): 97-114
Steigleder AK, Hauser J 1984 Alimentacao e crescimento de regenerantes de Dugesia schubarti (Marcus, 1946). Acta Biol Leopoldensia 6:35-46
Steigleder AK, Hauser J 1985 Alimentacao e crescimento de regenerantes da familia Dugesidae -- Dugesia schbarti (Marcus, 1946), Dugesia anderlani Kawakatsu et Hauser, 1983; Dugesia tigrina (Girard, 1850) e Dugesia sp. (tipo preto Acta Biol Leopoldensia 7:245-254
Steigleder AK, Hauser J 1986 Alimentacao e crescimento de regenerantes da familia Dugesidae -- Dugesia schubarti (Marcus, 1946), D... anderlani, D. tigrina, e D sp. III. Alimento: larvas de tenebrio + Gema de ovo de galinha. Acta Biol Leopoldensia 8:279-290
Steigleder AK, Hauser J 1986 Alimentacao e crescimento de regenerantes da familia Dugesidae -- Dugesia schubarti (Marcus, 1946), D... anderlani, D. tigrina, e D sp. III. Alimento: minhocas. Acta Biol Leopoldensia 8:263-278
Steigleder AK, Hauser J 1987 Alimentacao e crescimento de regeneranted da familia Dugesidae -- Dugesia schubarti...D anderlani... D tigrina... D sp... IV Alimento: misto. Acta Biol Leopoldensia 9:31-48
Wiilland EdeF, Gehrke-Friedrich SM, Hauser J 1998 Histologia do epitelio de Girardia schubarti (Marcus, 1946) (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida). 1. Divisao anatomica corporal. Acta Biologica Leopoldensia, Volume:20(2): 319-327
Wiilland EdeF, Hauser J, Gehrke-Friedrich SM 2004 Histologia do tegumento de Girardia schubarti (Turbellaria, Tricladida, Paludicola). II. Tegumento. Biociencias, 12(2): 89-98
Wirth QJ, Hauser J 1990 Contribuicao a historia da sistematica dos turbelarios e classificaco atual dos Paludicola do Rio Grande do Sul. Acta Biol Leopold 12:39-59

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