author | date | title | journal / publication |
Calow P, Jennings JB | 1974 | Calorific values in the phylum Platyhelminthes: the relationship between potential energy, mode of life, and the evolution of endoparasitism. | Biol Bull (Woods Hole) 147:81-94. |
Cannon LRG, Jennings JB | 1987 | Occurrence and nutritional relationships of four ectosymbiotes of the freshwater crayfishes Cherax dispar Riek and Cherax punctatus Clark (Crustacea: Decapoda) in Queensland. | Aust J Mar Freshw Res 38:419-427 |
Cannon LRG, Jennings JB | 1988 | Monocystella epibatis n. sp., a new aseptate gregarine hyperparasite of rhabdocoel turbellarians parasitic in the Crown of Thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci Linnaeus, from the Great Barrier Reef. | Arch Protistenkd 136: 267-272 |
Gelder SR, Jennings JB | 1975 | The nervous system of the aberrant symbiotic polycheate Histriobdella homariiand it implications for the taxomomic position of the Histriobdellidae. | Zool Anz Jena 194:293-304 |
Gibson R, Jennings JB | 1967 | Leucine aminopeptidase activity in the blood system of rhynchocoelan worms. | |
Halton DW, Jennings JB | 1964 | Demonstration of the nervous system in the monogenetic trematode Diplozoon paradoxum Nordmann by the indoxyl acetate method for esterases. | |
Halton DW, Jennings JB | 1965 | Observations on the nutrition of monogenetic trematodes. | |
Jennings JB | 1956 | A technique for the detecion of Polystoma integerrimum in the common frog (Rana temporaria). | |
Jennings JB | 1957 | Studies on feeding, digestion, and food storage in free-living flatworms (Platyhelminthes: Turbellaria). | Biol Bull (Woods Hole) 112:63-80. [ goto] |
Jennings JB | 1959 | Studies on digestion in the monogenetic trematode Polystoma integerrinum. | |
Jennings JB | 1959 | Observations on the nutrition of the land planarian Orthodemus terrestris (O.F. Muller). | Biol Bull 117:119-124 |
Jennings JB | 1960 | Observations on the nutrition of the rhynchocoelan Lineus ruber (of Muller). | Biological Bulletin 119: 189-196 |
Jennings JB | 1961 | Periodic acid-Schiff technique for the demonstration of extra- and intra-cellular stages of gregarine and coccidian protozoa. | |
Jennings JB | 1962 | Further studies on feeding and digestion in triclad turbellaria. | Biol. Bull. 123: 571-581 |
Jennings JB | 1962 | A histochemical study of digestion and digestive enzymes in the rhynchocoelan Lineus ruber (OF Muller). | |
Jennings JB | 1963 | Digestion in triclad turbellaria. | Proceedings 16 internat Congr of Zool Wash :28 |
Jennings JB | 1963 | Some aspects of nutrition in the Turbellarian, Trematoda, and Rhynchocoela | In: The Lower Metazoa, Dougherty et al. pages 345-353 |
Jennings JB | 1968 | Feeding, digestion and food storage in two species of temnocephalid flatworms (Turbellaria: Rhabdocoela). | J Zool (London) 156: 1-8. |
Jennings JB | 1968 | A new temnocephalid faltworm from Costa Rica. | Journal of Natural History, 2, 117-120. |
Jennings JB | 1968 | A new astomatous ciliate from the entocommensal rhynchocoelan Malacobdella grossa (OF Muller). | |
Jennings JB | 1968 | Platyhelminthes: Nutrition and digestion. In M. Florkin and B.T. Scheer (eds): Chemical Zoology, vol. 2. | New York: Academic Press, pp. 303-326. |
Jennings JB | 1968 | Platyhelminthes, nutrition. In: Florkin M, Schaer BT (eds) Chemical zoology. 2, 640. | Academic Press, New York, London |
Jennings JB | 1969 | Ultrastructural observations on the phagocytic uptake of food materials by the ciliated cells of the rhynchocoelan intestine. | Biol Bull 137:476-485. |
Jennings JB | 1970 | Digestion physiology of Turbellaria. | (Hyman Suppl) Abstract. Am. Zoo. 10(4): 549 |
Jennings JB | 1971 | Parasitism and commensalism in the Turbellaria. In: Advances in Parasitology, vol 9 (ed. Ben Dawes):1-32. | Academic Press, New York. |
Jennings JB | 1972 | Feeding, digestion and assimilation in animals. | 2nd edition; London, MacMillan |
Jennings JB | 1974 | Symbioses in the Turbellaria and their implications in studies on the evolution of parasitism. In: Symbiosis of the Sea (ed. WB Vernberg):127-160. | Univ South Carolina Press, Columbia, SC |
Jennings JB | 1974 | Digestive physiology of the Turbellaria. In: Riser NW, Morse MP (eds) Biology of the Turbellaria. | McGraw-Hill, New York, pp 173-197 |
Jennings JB | 1977 | Patterns of nutritional physiology in free-living and symbiotic Turbellaria and their implications for the evolution of entoparasitism in the phylum Platyhelminthes. | Acta Zool. Fenn. 154:63-79. |
Jennings JB | 1980 | Nutrition in symbiotic Turbellaria. In: Smith DC, Tiffon Y (eds.) Nutrition in the Lower Metazoa. | Pergamon Press, Oxford. 188 pages, 79 illustrations |
Jennings JB | 1981 | Physiological adaptations to entosymbiosis in three species of graffillid rhabdocoels. | Hydrobiologia 81:147-153 |
Jennings JB | 1985 | Feeding and digestion in the aberrant planarian Bdellasimilis barwicki (Turbellaria:Tricladida:Procerodidae): an ectosymbiote of freshwater turtles in Queensland and New South Wales. | Aust J Zool 33:317-327 |
Jennings JB | 1988 | Nutrition and respiration in symbiotic Turbellaria. In: P Ax, U Ehlers, B Sopott-Ehlers (eds) Free-living and symbiotic Plathelminthes. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart, NY. | Fortschr Zool 36:1-13 |
Jennings JB | 1989 | Epidermal uptake of nutrients in an unusual turbellarian parasitic in the starfish Coscinasterias calamaria in Tasmanian waters. | Biol Bull (Woods Hole) 176:327-336 |
Jennings JB | 1997 | Nutritional and respiratory pathways to parasitism exemplified in the turbellaria. | Int. J Parasitology 27: 679-691 [doi: 10.1016/s0020-7519(97)00010-6 goto] |
Jennings JB, Calow P | 1975 | The relationship between high fecundity and the evolution of endoparasitism. | Oecologia (Berlin) 21:109-115. |
Jennings JB, Cannon LRG | 1985 | Observations on the occurrence, nutritional physiology and respiratory pigment of three species of flatworms (Rhabdocoela: Pterastericolidae) entosymbiotic in starfish from temperate and tropical | Ophelia 24:199-215 [tc: waters.] |
Jennings JB, Cannon LRG | 1987 | The occurrence, spectral properties and probable role of haemoglobins in four species of entosymbiotic turbellarians (Rhabdocoela: Umagillidae. | Ophelia 27:143-154 |
Jennings JB, Cannon LRG, Hick AJ | 1992 | The nature and origin of the epidermal scales of Notodactylus handschini--an unusual temnocephalid turbellarian ectosymbiotic on crayfish from northern Queensland. | Biol Bull (Woods Hole) 182:117-128 [doi: 10.2307/1542186 goto] |
Jennings JB, Colam JB | 1970 | Gut structure, digestive physiology and food storage in Potonema vulgaris (Nematoda: Enoplida). | |
Jennings JB, Davenport TRB, Varndell IM | 1987 | FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity and arylamidase activity in turbellarians and nemerteans - evidence for a novel neurovascular coordinating system in nemerteans. | Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 86C/2:425-430. [doi: 10.1016/0742-8413(87)90108-3 goto] |
Jennings JB, Deutsch A | 1975 | Occurence and possible adaptive significance of B-glucuronidase and arylamidase ("leucine aminopeptidase") activity in two species of marine nematodes. | Comp Biochem Physiol 52A:611-614 |
Jennings JB, Donworth PJ | 1986 | Observations on the life cycle and nutrition of Dinophilus taeniatus Harmer 1889 (Annelida: Polychaeta). | Ophelia 25:119-137 |
Jennings JB, Fletcher CR | 1985 | A simple method for obtaining and analysing the absorption spectra of microscopic specimens. | J Microsc (Oxf) 139:271-277 |
Jennings JB, Gelder SR | 1976 | Observations on the feeding mechanism, diet and digestive physiology of Histriobdella homari Van Beneden 1858: An aberrant polychaete symbiotic with North American and European lobsters. | Biol Bull 151: 489-517 |
Jennings JB, Gibson R | 1968 | The structure and life history of Haplosporidium malacobdellae sp. nov., a new sporozoan from the entocommensal rhynchocoelan Malacobdella grossa (OF Muller). | |
Jennings JB, Gibson R | 1969 | Observations on the nutrition of seven species of rhynchocoelan worms. | |
Jennings JB, Halverson LG | 1971 | Variations in subcuticular acid phosphatase activity during the molting cycle of the euphausiid crustacean, Thysanoessa raschii (M. Sars) Hansen. | |
Jennings JB, Hanna FS | 1988 | Studies on the respiratory pigments of three species of serpulid polychaetes at different stages in the life cycle. | Ophelia 29:199-212 |
Jennings JB, Hick AJ | 1990 | Differences in the distr, mitochondrial content and probable roles of hemoglobin-containing parenchymal cells in 4 species of entosymbiotic turbellarians (Rhabdocoela: Umagillidae & Pterastericolidae) | Ophelia 31:163-175 |
Jennings JB, LeFlore WB | 1972 | The histochemical demonstration of certain aspects of cercarial morphology. | |
Jennings JB, LeFlore WB | 1979 | Occurrence and possible adaptive significance of some histochemically demonstrable dehydrogenases in two entosymbiotic rhabdocoels (Platyhelminthes: Turbellaria). | Comp Biochem Physiol 62B:301-304 |
Jennings JB, Mettrick DF | 1968 | Observations on the ecology, morphology and nutrition of the rhabdocoel turbellarian Syndesmis franciscana (Lehman, 1946) in Jamaica. | Carib J Sci 8:57-69 |
Jennings JB, Phillips JI | 1978 | Feeding and digestion in three entosymbiotic grafillid rhabdocoels from bivalve and gastropod molluscs. | Biol Bull 155:542-562. |
Jennings JB, Van der Lande VM | 1967 | Histochemical and bacteriological studies on digestion in nine species of leeches (Annelida: Hirudinea). | |
Mettrick DF, Jennings JB | 1969 | Nutrition and chemical composition of the rhabocoel turbellarian Syndesmis franciscana, with notes on the taxonomy of S. antillarum. | J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. 26: 2669-2679 |
Rao KH, Jennings JB | 1959 | The alimentary system of a pentastomid from the Indian water-snake Natrix piscator Schneider. | Journal of Parasitology, 45: 299–300 [ goto] |
57 publications found in database. (Max listing set to 500)