History of
  Turbellarian Research
      compiled by Steve Schilling

Collecting records attributed to Haswell WA

site site # collection date species locality kind comments reference
Port Jackson, New South Wales, Australia 13151905 and earlier Heterochaerus australis type locality towards high water mark in shallow rock pools, exposed to sun all day. Most abundant in places in which it exposed to full sun all day. Haswell WA (1905): 426
Dam at Glanmire Hall, near Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia 13271905 or earlier Anomalocoelus caecus   found "burrowing more or less deeply in the mud. Nothing is known of its range; it does not occur in any of the other damns in the neighborhood" or elsewhere. Haswell WA (1905): 450
Port Jackson, New South Wales, Australia 1315prior to 1907 Tripylocelis typica type locality In algae Haswell WA (1907): ; from Prudhoe S (citation)- page 85
Port Jackson, New South Wales, Australia 1315prior to 1907 Echinoplana celerrima type locality   Haswell WA (1907): ; from Prudhoe S (citation)- page 105
Victoria, Australia 38851893 or earlier Temnocephala dendyi default type from crayfish (Astacopsis). Haswell WA (1893): abstract & Bush card
New South Wales, Australia 39121893 or earlier Temnocephala dendyi default type from crayfish (Astacopsis). Haswell WA (1893): abstract & Bush card
Brazil 63691893 or earlier Temnocephala iheringi default type from Ampullaria. Haswell WA (1893): abstract & Bush card
Gippsland, Victoria, Australia 39981893 or earlier Temnosewellia engaei default type from Engoeus fissor. Haswell WA (1893): abstract & Bush card
New South Wales, Australia 39121893 or earlier Temnocephala comes default type from Astacopsis. Haswell WA (1893): abstract & Bush card
Victoria, Australia 38851893 or earlier Temnocephala comes default type from Astacopsis. Haswell WA (1893): abstract & Bush card
Brazil 63691893 or earlier Temnocephala iheringi   host Ampullaria sp. Haswell WA (1893): from Damborenea & Cannon 2001 (citation)- p. 1106
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 39811900 or earlier Temnocephala tasmanica default type "This species was found in the branchial cavities of Astacopsis tasmanicus in small streams near Hobart, Tasmania, sometimes coming out on the outer surface of the Crayfish. Haswell WA (1900): 431
Dee River, Tasmania 65131900 or earlier Temnocephala aurantiaca default type "found on the lower surface of the abdomen of a species of Astacopsis"...."in burrows in damp ground in the neighborhood of the Dee River towards the center of Tasmania. Haswell WA (1900): 431
20 miles south of Colac, Victoria, Australia 65121900 or earlier Temnocephala caeca default type Prof. W. Baldwin Spencer provided living specimens, "which he had noticed on the surface of the remarkable burrowing Isopod described by him and Mr. T.S. Hall", Phreatoicopsis Haswell WA (1900): 432
Port Jackson, New South Wales, Australia 1315  Echinoplana tenerrima default type   Haswell WA (1907): from Prudhoe 1982 (citation)- p. 377


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