author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Timoshkin OA | 1984 | abs. spp. |
New species of the genus Geocentrophora (Turbellaria, Prorhynchidae) from Lake Baikal. [In Russian]. | Zool Zh 63:1125-1136 | 1129-1132 | 5697 | 7405 237340 |
Literature with distribution data:
Timoshkin OA | 1984 | abs. spp. |
New species of the genus Geocentrophora (Turbellaria, Prorhynchidae) from Lake Baikal. [In Russian]. | Zool Zh 63:1125-1136 | 5697 | 7405 237340 |
Novikova O | 1999 | abs. spp. |
Karyotypes of the flatworms of the genus Geocentrophora (Turbellaria, Lecithoepitheliata) from Lake Baikal. | Folia Biologica (Cracow) 47(1-2): 13-19 | 20909 239122 |
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