author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Sopott-Ehlers B | 1985 | spp. |
The phylogenetic relationships within the Seriata (Platyhelminthes). In: The origins and relationships of lower invertebrates. In: Conway Morris S, George JD, Gibson R, Platt HM, eds. | Oxford University Press, Oxford: 159-167. | 0 | 11833 237203 | |
other taxonomic work: | Curini-Galletti M | 2001 | spp. |
The Proseriata. In: Littlewood DTJ & Bray RA, eds. Interrelationships of the Platyhelminthes. | Taylor & Francis, London. pp 41-48 [Syst. Ass. Spec. Vol. Ser. 60: 41-48] | 8888 | 17187 | |
latest authority: | Curini-Galletti M, Webster BL, Huyse T, Casu M, Schockaert ER, Artois TJ, Littlewood DTJ | 2010 | spp. |
New insights on the phylogenetic relationships of the Proseriata (Platyhelminthes), with proposal of a new genus of the family Coelogynoporidae. | Zootaxa 2537:1-18 | 9000 | 21887 |
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