author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Graff Lvon | 1882 | spp. |
Monographie der Turbellarien I. Rhabdocoelida. (2 Vol., Leipzig) | Verlag Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig, pp i-xii + 1-442 [ goto] | 3016 | 1234 2105 | |
latest authority: | Dorjes J | 1968 | spp. |
Die Acoela (Turbellaria) der deutschen Nordseeküste und ein neues System der Ordnung. | Z zool Syst Evolutionsforsch 6:56-452. | 728 | 1605 1966 |
[Other] literature of valid taxon Philactinoposthia saliens (Graff, 1882)
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Karling TG | 1974 | Turbellarian fauna of the Baltic proper. Identification, ecology and biogeography. | Fauna Fenn 27:1-101 | 308 | 1824 2223 | ||
Dorjes J, Karling TG | 1975 | Species of Turbellaria Acoela in the Swedish Museum of Natural History, with remarks on their anatomy, taxonomy and distribution. | Zool Scr 4: 175-189 | 185 | 411 | 1874 235679 |
author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | ||
Graff Lvon | 1905 | Turbellaria I. Acoela. In: Das Tierreich. No. 23 [Issue 23]. F.E. Schulze, ed. Koenigl. Preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. | Das Tierreich, No. 23:34 + viii pp. | 16 | 6612 | 1554 235629 | |
Luther A | 1912 | Studien über acoele Turbellarien aus dem Finnischen Meerbusen. | Acta Soc Pro Fauna Et Flora Fennica 36(5):2-62 | 14-15 | 6637 | 1123 235607 | |
Meixner J | 1938 | Turbellaria (Strudelwürmer). I. D. Tier. d. Nord- u. Ostsee. Allgemeiner Teil. In: G. Grimpe, E. Wagler, A Remane (eds). | Die Tierwelt der Nord- und Ostsee 33(IVb):1-146, 220 f. | 156, f. 104 C | 6184 | 5597 235602 | |
Purasjoki KJ | 1945 | Quantitative Untersuchungen ueber de Mikrofauna des Meeresbodens in der Umgebung der Zoologischen Station Tvaerminne an der Suedkueste Finnlands. | Soc. Sc. Comment. Biol. 9, No. 14, 24 p., 1 f. | 11 | 10703 2470 | ||
Westblad E | 1946 | Studien ueber skandinavische Turbellaria Acoela. IV. | Ark Zool 38A(1):1-56 | 46-47, Figs. 13, 35 | 6369 | 6991 235625 | |
Westblad E | 1948 | Studien ueber skandinavische Turbellaria Acoela. V. | Ark Zool 41A(7):1-82. | 14, 15, 40,48, 50, 68, 70, f. 9 G | 6652 | 1601 235656 | |
Granqvist G | 1955 | Regular observations of temperature and salinity in the seas around Finland, July 1952 - June 1954. | Merentutk.laitoksen julkaisu. Havsforskningsinst.skrift N:o 165, Helsinki-Helsingfors. | Luther in, 56, F. | 18230 | ||
Luther A | 1960 | Die Turbellarien Ostfennoskandiens I. Acoela, Catenulida, Macrostomida, Lecithoepitheliata, Prolecithophora, und Proseriata. | Fauna Fennica 7:1-155 | 19-21, fig. 3 A-D | 715 | 1841 236063 |
Literature with distribution data:
Graff Lvon | 1882 | spp. |
Monographie der Turbellarien I. Rhabdocoelida. (2 Vol., Leipzig) | Verlag Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig, pp i-xii + 1-442 [ goto] | 3016 | 1234 2105 |
Gamble FW | 1893 | spp. |
The Turbellaria of Plymouth Sound and the neighbourhood. | Journ Marine Biol Ass (N S) 3 (1):18, 30-47 [ goto] | 6118 | 10126 236277 |
Attems CG | 1897 | spp. |
Beitrag zur Meeresfauna von Helgoland. VI. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der rhabdocoelen Turbellarien Helgolands. | Wiss. Meeresunters., Kommiss. z. Unters. d. deuts. Meere in Kiel u. d. Biol. Anstalt auf Helgoland. 2(1):219-232, pl 1 [ goto] | 6017 | 1135 236183 |
Steinböck O | 1931 | spp. |
Marine Turbellaria. In: Jensen S, Lundbeck W, Mortensen Th (eds): Zoology of the Faroes. | Zool of the Faroes, Copenhagen, 8: 26 pp, 16 fig | 6277 | 10858 235604 |
Steinböck O | 1933 | spp. |
Die Turbellarienfauna der Umgebung von Rovingno. | Thalassia 1: 32 pp, 14 fig | 6280 | 10862 235676 |
Westblad E | 1946 | spp. |
Studien ueber skandinavische Turbellaria Acoela. IV. | Ark Zool 38A(1):1-56 | 6369 | 6991 235625 |
Luther A | 1960 | spp. |
Die Turbellarien Ostfennoskandiens I. Acoela, Catenulida, Macrostomida, Lecithoepitheliata, Prolecithophora, und Proseriata. | Fauna Fennica 7:1-155 | 715 | 1841 236063 |
Boaden PJS | 1963 | spp. |
The interstitial fauna of some North Wales beaches. | J mar biol Ass U K 43:79-96 | 6398 | 9914 226250 |
Dorjes J | 1968 | spp. |
Die Acoela (Turbellaria) der deutschen Nordseeküste und ein neues System der Ordnung. | Z zool Syst Evolutionsforsch 6:56-452. | 728 | 1605 1966 |
Dorjes J, Karling TG | 1975 | spp. |
Species of Turbellaria Acoela in the Swedish Museum of Natural History, with remarks on their anatomy, taxonomy and distribution. | Zool Scr 4: 175-189 | 411 | 1874 235679 |
Faubel A | 1977 | spp. |
The distribution of Acoela and Macrostomida (Turbellaria) in the littoral of the North Frisian Islands, Sylt, Romo, Jordsand, and Amrum (North Sea). | Senckenb. Marit 9:59-74 | 6514 | 15619 237350 |
Dittmann S, Reise K | 1985 | spp. |
Assemblage of free-living Plathelminthes on an intertidal mud flat in the North Sea. | Microfauna Marina 2: 95-115 | 11088 1954 | |
Hellwig M | 1987 | spp. |
Oekologie freilebender Plathelminthen in Grenzraum Watt-Salzwiese lenitischer Gezeitenkuesten. | Microfauna Marina 3:157-244 | 6035 | 11094 2119 |
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