author | date | abstr. | title | journal / publication | pages | |||
Primary authority: | Braun M | 1885 | ![]() spp. |
Die Rhabdocoeliden Turbellarien Livlands. Ein Beitrag zur Anatomie, Systematik und geographischen Verbreitung dieser Thiere. | Arch Natur Liv Ehst Kurl Ser 2 Bd 5 Lief 2: 125 pp tab I-IV [Arch Dorpat. Ges., ser. 2, vol. 10, 139-251?] | 138, T. 2, f. 1 | 0 | 4042 236131 |
other taxonomic work: | Hofsten N v | 1911 | spp. |
Neue Beobachtungen ueber die Rhabdocoelen und Alloecoelen der Schweiz. | Zool Bidr Uppsala 1: 1-84 | 18-19, f. 1 | 6114 | 10259 236619 |
other taxonomic work: | Graff Lvon | 1913 | ![]() spp. |
Turbellaria II. Rhabdocoelida. [Das Tierreich, Eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeichnung der rezenten Tierformen Heft 35/1913] | Berlin, Verlag von R. Friedländer und Sohn, Ausgegeben im Juni 1913. 484 pages. [reprinted 1966, Verlag Von J. Cramer W [ goto] | 52 | 6045 | 15437 236172 |
other taxonomic work: | Meixner J | 1915 | ![]() spp. |
Zur Turbellarienfauna der Ost-Alpen, insonderheit des Lunzer Seengebietes. | Zool Jahrb Ab Syst Oelkol Geog Tierre 38:459-488 | 468-478, T. 30, ff. 5-8 | 0 | 5592 236503 |
other taxonomic work: | Fulinski B | 1915 | spp. |
Materjaly do fauny wirków (Turbellaria) ziem Polskich 1. Rozprawny i Wiadom. | Muzeum im Dzieduszyckich 1(3-4): 1-17 (also I Rozprawny i Wiadom. Muzeum im Dzieduszyckich 1:159-175) | 18228 236508 | ||
other taxonomic work: | Reisinger E, Steinböck O | 1925 | spp. |
Zur Turbellarienfauna des Wörthersees. | Carinthia II, 34/35: 109-114. [Carinthia 2, Mitt. Ver. Naturhist. Landesmus. Kaernten 114/115] | 110-112 | 0 | 10723 239237 |
other taxonomic work: | Steinböck O | 1926 | ![]() abs. spp. |
Zur Ökologie der alpinen Turbellarien. | Zeitschr. Morph. Okol. d. Tiere 5: 424-446, 2 f | 0 | 10854 236481 | |
other taxonomic work: | Gieysztor M | 1939 | spp. |
Übersicht der Rhabdocoelen und Alloeocoelen Polens. | Arch d'Hydrobiol et d'Ichtyol 12: 1-54 | 0 | 10162 239278 | |
other taxonomic work: | Ferguson FF, Jones ER Jr | 1940 | ![]() spp. |
Studies on the turbellarian fauna of the Norfolk area. V. Anatomical notes on the American representative of Macrostomum orthostylum Braun 1885. | Virginia J Sci 1:281-284 [ goto] | 281-284 | 0 | 4135 2078 |
other taxonomic work: | Steinböck O | 1949 | spp. |
Zur Turbellarienfauna des Lago Maggiore und des Lago di Como. | Memoire dell' Instituto Ital. di Idrobiol. Milano, 5: 231-254 | 0 | 10870 236491 | |
other taxonomic work: | Papi F | 1951 | abs. spp. |
Ricerche sui Turbellari Macrostomidae. | Arch Zool Ital 36:289-341. | 308, Fig. 28 | 702 | 1646 236105 |
other taxonomic work: | Beklemischev VN | 1951 | spp. |
Species belonging to the genus Macrostomum (Turbellaria, Rhabdocoela) of the Soviet Union. [In Russian] | Bull. Soc. Nat. Moskau (Biol.) 56 (4): 31-40 [russ] | 0 | 9821 236103 | |
Ferguson FF | 1954 | ![]() abs. spp. |
Monograph of the macrostomine worms of the Turbellaria. | Trans Am Microsc Soc 73:137-164 [doi: 10.2307/3223751 goto] | 6520 | 5503 236154 | ||
latest authority: | Luther A | 1960 | ![]() spp. |
Die Turbellarien Ostfennoskandiens I. Acoela, Catenulida, Macrostomida, Lecithoepitheliata, Prolecithophora, und Proseriata. | Fauna Fennica 7:1-155 | 75-77, Abb. 18 D u. F | 715 | 1841 236063 |
Young JO | 1976 | abs. spp. |
The freshwater Turbellaria of the African continent. | Zool. Anz., Jena 197: 419-432 | 893 | 1858 239075 | ||
other taxonomic work: | Young JO | 1976 | ![]() spp. |
Systematic studies of limnic Macrostomum species (Turbellaria, Macrostomida) from East Africa. | Zoologica Scripta 5:49-60 | 58, Figs. 10A-F | 905 | 2637 236100 |
Literature with distribution data:
Hofsten N v | 1911 | spp. |
Neue Beobachtungen ueber die Rhabdocoelen und Alloecoelen der Schweiz. | Zool Bidr Uppsala 1: 1-84 | 6114 | 10259 236619 |
Graff Lvon | 1913 | ![]() spp. |
Turbellaria II. Rhabdocoelida. [Das Tierreich, Eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeichnung der rezenten Tierformen Heft 35/1913] | Berlin, Verlag von R. Friedländer und Sohn, Ausgegeben im Juni 1913. 484 pages. [reprinted 1966, Verlag Von J. Cramer W [ goto] | 6045 | 15437 236172 |
Meixner J | 1915 | ![]() spp. |
Zur Turbellarienfauna der Ost-Alpen, insonderheit des Lunzer Seengebietes. | Zool Jahrb Ab Syst Oelkol Geog Tierre 38:459-488 | 0 | 5592 236503 |
Reisinger E, Steinböck O | 1925 | spp. |
Zur Turbellarienfauna des Wörthersees. | Carinthia II, 34/35: 109-114. [Carinthia 2, Mitt. Ver. Naturhist. Landesmus. Kaernten 114/115] | 0 | 10723 239237 |
Steinböck O | 1926 | ![]() abs. spp. |
Zur Ökologie der alpinen Turbellarien. | Zeitschr. Morph. Okol. d. Tiere 5: 424-446, 2 f | 0 | 10854 236481 |
Vialli M | 1926 | spp. |
Turbellarii di Val di Scalve e del Lago Moro. | Atti Soc. Ital. Sc. Nat. 65:131-135. | 0 | 10964 239236 |
Ferguson FF, Jones ER Jr | 1940 | ![]() spp. |
Studies on the turbellarian fauna of the Norfolk area. V. Anatomical notes on the American representative of Macrostomum orthostylum Braun 1885. | Virginia J Sci 1:281-284 [ goto] | 0 | 4135 2078 |
Steinböck O | 1949 | spp. |
Zur Turbellarienfauna des Lago Maggiore und des Lago di Como. | Memoire dell' Instituto Ital. di Idrobiol. Milano, 5: 231-254 | 0 | 10870 236491 |
Beklemischev VN | 1951 | spp. |
Species belonging to the genus Macrostomum (Turbellaria, Rhabdocoela) of the Soviet Union. [In Russian] | Bull. Soc. Nat. Moskau (Biol.) 56 (4): 31-40 [russ] | 0 | 9821 236103 |
Luther A | 1960 | ![]() spp. |
Die Turbellarien Ostfennoskandiens I. Acoela, Catenulida, Macrostomida, Lecithoepitheliata, Prolecithophora, und Proseriata. | Fauna Fennica 7:1-155 | 715 | 1841 236063 |
Young JO | 1976 | ![]() spp. |
Systematic studies of limnic Macrostomum species (Turbellaria, Macrostomida) from East Africa. | Zoologica Scripta 5:49-60 | 905 | 2637 236100 |
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