Turbellarian taxonomic database

author date   title journal / publication
Ferguson FF 1954 index card avail.
Monograph of the macrostomine worms of the Turbellaria. Trans Am Microsc Soc 73:137-164
[doi: 10.2307/3223751
Macrostomum beaufortense Ferguson, 1937 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Macrostomum hustedi Jones, 1944 w other taxonomic work
Inframacrostomum rubrocinctum (Ax, 1951) w other taxonomic work 141
Macrostomum album Higley, 1918 w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum anocele Riedel, 1932 w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum appendiculatum (1) finnlandensis Ferguson, 1940 w other taxonomic work
Macrostomum appendiculatum (1) sensitivum (Silliman, 1884) w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum appendiculatum (1) sillimani Ferguson, 1939 w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum appendiculatum (1) stirewalti Jones & Ferguson, 1941 w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum carolinense Ferguson, 1940 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum curvata Papi, 1951 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum elgonense (de Beauchamp, 1936) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum frigorophilum (Ferguson, 1940) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum gabriellae Marcus, 1949 w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum gigas Okugawa, 1930 w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum granulophorum Ferguson, 1940 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum kawamurai Okugawa, 1930 w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum kepneri (Ferguson & Jones, 1940) [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum ophiocephalum Steinböck, 1931 w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum orthostylum recurva Papi, 1951 w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum pseudoobtusum Beklemischev, 1927 w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum recurvostylum Ferguson, 1940 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum setosum Schmarda, 1859 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum shenandoahense Ferguson, 1940 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum thermophilum Riedel, 1932 w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum tuba bulbostylum Ferguson & Jones, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomum viride (1) elgonense de Beauchamp, 1936 w latest taxonomic authority
Macrostomidae Omalostomum Beneden E, 1870 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 144
Macrostomidae Protomacrostomum Steinböck, 1935 w latest taxonomic authority 147
Karlingiinae Karlingia Ferguson, 1954 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 148
Macrostomidae Archimacrostomum Ferguson, 1954 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 145
Macrostomidae Axia Ferguson, 1954 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 147
Macrostomidae Inframacrostomum Ferguson, 1954 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 145
Macrostomum vejdovskyi Ferguson, 1940 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 143
Macrostomum minuta Luther, 1947 w latest taxonomic authority 143
Macrostomum truncatum Ferguson, 1940 [with synonyms] w latest taxonomic authority 143
Macrostomum phillipsi Ferguson & Stirewalt, 1938 w other taxonomic work
Promacrostomum paradoxicum Ferguson, 1954 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 144, 146-147, 149, 156
Macrostomum distinguenda Papi, 1951 w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 314
Macrostomum tennesseense Ferguson, 1940 w latest taxonomic authority 143
Dolichomacrostominae Paromalostomum Ax, 1951 w other taxonomic work 144
Macrostomidae Macrostomum Schmidt, 1848 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 145
Macrostomidae Promacrostomum An der Lan, 1939 w other taxonomic work 146-147
Dolichomacrostominae Dolichomacrostomum Luther, 1947 w other taxonomic work 147
Macrostomorpha Myozona Marcus, 1949 w other taxonomic work 148
Omalostomum dubium de Beauchamp, 1927 w other research on this sp.
Omalostomum schultzii (Claparede, 1863) [with synonyms] w other research on this sp.
Paromalostomum dubium (de Beauchamp, 1927) [with synonyms] w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum appendiculatum Fabricius, 1826 [with synonyms] w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum appendiculatum (1) distinguenda Papi, 1951 w other taxonomic work 141
Macrostomum balticum Luther, 1947 w other taxonomic work
Macrostomum beauchampi Ferguson, 1939 w other taxonomic work
Macrostomum beaufortensis Ferguson, 1937 w other taxonomic work
Macrostomum boreale Riedel, 1932 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 142
Macrostomum bulbostylum Kepner & Stiff, 1932 w other taxonomic work
Macrostomum catarractae Gieysztor, 1938 w other taxonomic work
Macrostomum curvistylum Ferguson, 1939 w other taxonomic work
Macrostomum curvituba Luther, 1947 w other taxonomic work
Macrostomum collistylum Ferguson, 1939 w other taxonomic work
Macrostomum delphax Marcus, 1946 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum gilberti Ferguson, 1939 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum gracile (1) Pereyaslawzewa, 1892 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum hamatum Luther, 1947 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum hystrix Ørsted, 1843 [with synonyms] w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum infundibuliferum Plotnikow, 1905 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum intermedium Tu, 1934 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum japonicum Okugawa, 1930 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum kawamurai Okugawa, 1930 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum leptos An der Lan, 1939 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum lewisi Ferguson, 1939 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum lineare Uljanin, 1870 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum lutheri Beklemischev, 1927 [with synonyms] w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum megalogastricum Pereyaslawzewa, 1892 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum mystrophorum Meixner, 1926 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum nassonovi (Nasonov, 1921) [with synonyms] w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum norfolkensis Jones & Ferguson, 1940 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum obtusum Vejdovsky, 1895 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum ontarioense Ferguson, 1942 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum orthostylum Braun, 1885 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum pseudoobscurum Beklemischev, 1927 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum reynoldsi Ferguson, 1939 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum rhabdophorum Beklemischev, 1927 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum riedeli Ferguson, 1940 w other research on this sp.
Macrostomum distinguenda Papi, 1951 w latest taxonomic authority 141
Macrostomum gieysztori Ferguson, 1939 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Karlingia lutheri (Marcus, 1948) [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work
Archimacrostomum beaufortense (Ferguson, 1937) w primary taxonomic authority (describer) 142
Macrostomum brasiliense Marcus, 1952 [with synonyms] w other taxonomic work 141
Archimacrostomum brasiliensis (Marcus, 1952) w latest taxonomic authority